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This attitude was common among the couples he met back in 1969, soon after he came out of the closet. "Sometimes they played together, and sometimes they played apart," he says. "But it was just a very healthy relationship with respect and love and total honesty."

Like any couple, DADTs sometimes trip up, and occasionally one partner — out of curiosity, jealousy or masochism — will ask. When this happens, George feels obligated to fess up if Ian wants to know. "He doesn't always ask of the details," says George, "but I always tell when he asks."

And this is where DADT relationships begin to skate thin ice: justified dishonesty. Serdna has lied in the past when Leslie asked about other women because he felt that, technically speaking, he didn't need to tell. And when he asks her? "When she says no, I trust that she's telling me the truth," he says. "Maybe."

The term "don't ask, don't tell" is most commonly associated with the 1993 U.S. military policy signed by former President Bill Clinton that allowed gays and lesbians to serve so long as they kept their sexual orientation under wraps. Charles Moskos, the military sociologist who penned the policy, said on NPR in 2004, "The most important justification for the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy is the respect of people's privacy." Opponents, however, argued that DADT punished servicemembers for being out in the workplace.

The pros and cons of DADT relationships echo those of the military policy. In a DADT relationship, a couple may agree that it's better to keep things quiet in the interest of not disrupting the whole. On the flipside, being tight-lipped implies that one's sexual behavior is secretive or shameful.

Most in the polyamorous community (the go-to experts on open relationships) believe such a policy can only lead to catastrophe. DADT "creates way too much room for wishful thinking, denial, and make-believe," an anonymous poly wrote to me in an email response to a call for opinions. "Experience has drilled into the community that honesty and transparency — and the 'communicate, communicate, communicate' mantra — are, for most well-meaning people, essential to avoiding misunderstandings and crackups."

Valerie White, executive director of the Sexual Freedom Legal Defense and Education Fund, thinks DADT couples are deluding themselves. "[They] don't actually have an understanding," she says. "It's just sort of a line to use to convince another person to get involved with them. If you don't know what your partner is doing, you can't consent to it in any meaningful sense. There's this black hole of mystery, and if there is a mystery in your partner's life, I don't think there is trust."

But viewed another way, DADT requires a kind of trust that could be seen as even stronger. The idea is that these couples have so much confidence in their relationship that they're not threatened by what isn't known. "It's because we trust each other so much that there's less of a need to talk about it," says George of his relationship with Ian. "Trust is built up over time into honesty and respect and not wanting to hurt anybody's feelings. Because of that, it can't be anything but healthy, so long as everybody is playing safely."

Why does a person choose DADT? Ask Serdna, and he'll muse about life being short and options to be seized, while for George, it's about his conviction that monogamy is a myth. Ask A.G., a twenty-one-year-old New Yorker, and he'll say, "Because I wanted to visit a prostitute."

A.G. lives with a girlfriend almost twice his age. Their sex life began to dwindle after six months — she heads to bed early because of exhaustion from her job, and she just isn't that into sex. "When she is, she can do it herself and gets off and it's almost like a release," says A.G. "It's not a big romantic experience." On a good
"Withholding information does not equate dishonesty," says Helen Fisher, an anthropology professor. "I don't tell my girlfriends they're fat. Am I lying? No."
week, they have sex once, though they've gone several weeks without it.

A month ago, A.G. asked his girlfriend if he could see a prostitute. She laughed. "She told me I could do what I want, but that she didn't want to know about it," he says.

A.G. has visited the same prostitute twice, a woman in her mid-thirties he found on Craigslist. She was fake and so business-like that he didn't even feel turned on. "It was distracting and awkward and it felt like what it was: a cheap prostitute," he says.

The experience sent him practically running home to crawl into bed with his girlfriend. And that, he says, is why DADT has actually improved their relationship. "When I get home, I'm happier about my relationship and feel more respect for my girlfriend. I even see her as prettier, but somehow, still not sexy. But I'm so love with this person. It's odd."

Even if A.G. asked, he's convinced that his girlfriend would have nothing to tell. But he admits that if he did find out she had sex with someone else, it would be enough for him to drop DADT all together. "I wouldn't want that to happen," he says. "That would be the beginning of the end." Therein lie the early warning signs that can bring down a DADT relationship: A.G. takes advantage of the agreement, but can't imagine his girlfriend doing the same. "I recently asked her if we should break up," he says. "Because is this something people break up over? Should we go to therapy? But I don't want to break up. And I don't want to deny myself sex. I made the decision to be in this type of relationship, but I don't really want it to be this way."

DADT couples say it's better to be candid than to cheat (a harsh reality of many monogamous relationships), and that it's more practical to be discreet than to provoke jealousy (a potential crisis among polys). In the end, DADT casts a new light on honesty by curbing the too-much-information highway.

"Withholding information does not equate dishonesty," says Helen Fisher, an anthropology professor at Rutgers University who studies marriage, divorce and adultery. "We make contracts with people all the time. I don't tell my girlfriends that they're fat. Am I lying? No. I'm simply trying to sustain a relationship. The world does not agree with the American attitude about honesty that everything should be said."

Serdna, the painter from Queens, eventually wants to return to a monogamous relationship with Leslie. But the tables have turned. "It's at a point where I don't want [to sleep around] as much, and I thought about committing to her this winter," he says. "But I want to give her the space she gave me. If I want my freedom, she has to have the same thing. If I want to go out with another girl and have fun with another girl, she has to have the same right. I can't take that away from her."

He hopes DADT serves as a temporary necessary evil. "I can't do this forever, and neither can she. Monogamy is a goal for me. I want to be with only one person one day, and hopefully, it will be her." But that's exactly why DADT appealed to him. He knew that hearing details about the men his girlfriend saw on the side could destroy their ability to be monogamous in the future. "I just don't want to know anything about what she does," he says. "I do want to end up in a monogamous relationship with her, but if she told me all those things, it would just be harder to be with her in the end."

It's this ambivalence that lies at the core of DADT: the exhilarating ability for two people to maintain secret sex lives, while knowing that the details of those lives could destroy the one thing they're trying to sustain. Though DADT comes with this unique cost, these relationships attempt to take the brutality out of honesty. Whether they're realists or delusional, these couples have created a little world of their own where the rules don't apply, they don't have to compromise and the secret to having it all is just that — a secret.  


Kai Ma is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Jane, New York, Newsday, and the San Francisco Chronicle. She is co-author of "The Awful Truth," a relationship column published in Audrey.

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Based on my own experiences, there's also just the basic issue of DADT being used to postpone the inevitable bad breakup...which makes the breakup that much worse, because you've compromised not only monogamy but trust. In my case, what I thought was a willingness to understand my ex's needs and concerns with *wanting to have the college experience* (because I thought we were on the same page regarding us continuing to be together) ended up not being the reality of the situation. He broke up with me after almost 2 years of DADT-ness, because he didn't even want the responsibility of a long-distance, low maintenance girlfriend anymore. A huge part of ultimately getting over the breakup for me was trying to understand why I compromised my preference for monogamy in such an unhealthy way, and why I tried to make it ok in my head.

AH commented on 03/06

Fifty percent of all live-in relationships--married or not,--end in divorce or splitting up. The list of most common reasons given by ex-couples, perhaps surprisingly, does not include a partner having sex with someone else. Rather, the most common reasons all have to do with the quality of the relationship--that the other person was at heart an asshole who only cared about him/her self, and used and exploited the other person. Whether DADT qualifies as using and exploiting or not depends on the people involved. Personally, knowing that the politically correct are waiting to pounce, I feel that trust and love are not synonymous with compulsively disclosing every private thought, feeling, or action that one has. Rather, part of being mature is to feel comfortable taking responsibility for ones feelings and actions, and to be sensitive to the feelings of other people in general and your partner in particular. Brutal honesty is often an excuse for misdirected aggression, and a way of absolving yourself of responsibility for your own private feelings and their consequences by telling them to your partner.

MB commented on 03/06

I don,t plan to cheat on my wife. She has made it very clear that if I did she would be very hurt. She said that if I did cheat on her DON'T come to her crying about how sorry I am. That would really piss her of.

commented on 03/08

QUESTION: Does your wife know you are on Hooksexup? Has she read your profile? Since you state that cheating is anathema to you, do you tell her that like boys in our father's era, you read Playboy for the articles? Most likely she is clueless about your Hooksexup postings,which many would agree is "cheating."

commented on 03/09

My wife and I are in a Don't Tell open relationship. We are each free to ask and the other has agreed to reveal if we do, but so far neither of us have asked. It works really nicely for us. We both love sex and new experiences and neither of us wanted to be the reason that had to end for the other. Didn't seem like a fair thing to do to someone you love. I know many people won't understand or agree, but I think it is due to the tremendous love and trust that we have for each other that we are comfortable trusting the other one to conduct their extra-marital business in a way that is responsible to our marriage without the need to supervise or approve the others actions. Does that make sense?

M commented on 03/09

cool stuff, like the style, you are a good writer, stay sharp! cheers, Marko, photographer

MG commented on 03/18

I do not agree, knowing that your own wife is sleeping with someone else with your own knowledge and support can be a even nicer turn on...

JB commented on 11/04

very interesting article. I think some people are naturally more secretive/less curious than others. Personally, I get turned on by the act of telling, or listening. Maybe it's because I'm a writer - I don't know - but I'm fascinated by stories and always encourage my lovers to tell me about their sexual histories, and vice versa. Not everyone is the same though, and I've definitely known people who were of the more secretive/less curious variety. DADT might work for them; it would never work for me. I think it just comes down to what type of person you are, and if you're on the same page as your partner. There will never be one type of relationship that works for everyone - we all have to find our own way...

ja commented on 10/09

I'm curious about the other side of DADT: what does one tell the 'other person'? Even if its a one night stand, do you tell them honestly you're in an open relationship, or lie to them?

GPS commented on 10/09

Simpler rule. If you want to eff around, stay single. If you want to be married, stop effing around. Open relationships are for people who settled for something less than they wanted and are clinging onto stability. Be sure to sow your wild oats before taking that walk down the aisle.

LP commented on 10/09

Assumedly LP is just trolling, but sometimes I can't help rising to the bait. My husband and I have been in an open relationship for almost 20 years, and so far so good! We have a sort of modified DATD . . . no need to mention anything until you actually fuck the other person, ad at that point you have to disclose, but NO DETAILS! Not sure why that works for us, but it does. Right now, we each have a steady on the side (I adore his girlfriend, and he's friends if not best buds with my boyfriend), and I've had a couple of DADT interludes on the sides, sure he has too. I would never proselytize that it's for everyone, but for those of who enjoy and are fulfilled by this sort of setup, seems silly to assume that our 20+ years (we lived together for 4 years before marrying) of happiness is "settling."

mpb commented on 10/09

I agree with LP. As a born again non-cheater, I used to use this shit as an excuse to get what I want an use the other person. After some terrible personal experiences and a lot of growth, this looks tempting but is the ultimate trap.

jm commented on 10/09

Great article! So nicely written and researched with "real" interviews. I hate how so many pieces on this website are just personal opinion pieces. This article could have run in a print magazine, easily. Kudos! I really believe this type of DADT policy can work for some couples and it's NOT settling. Good for you, mpb! I've been with my partner for 19 years and while we're happy, I really would like to have a sexual encounter with someone else for a change. It doesn't mean I love my partner any less. And frankly, while I wouldn't want to hear about it at all,, I think the boost in self-esteem and excitement he'd get by, like, fucking some colleague in the closet at work or whatever, would be nice for him. My DADT policy would include: you can't spend any money on your fuck buddy. A DADT policy would let you set such parameters instead of finding out about an affair b/c your partner spent $1,000 on a nice purse for the Other Woman or whatnot. I think gay male culture has a lot that we straights could learn from!

KH commented on 10/09

No one mentioned how nice an arrangement this is for long-distance relationships.

fg commented on 10/09

The question no one asked, is "why be in a relationship?". You make up the rules, or in most cases unknowingly adopt an interpretation of some others' rules. My wife & I decided that the purpose of our marriage was to have a wonderful, inspiring family. That was 23 years ago. Our Kids are in college now. Early on we figured out that our purpose allowed for an open marriage--as long as we stayed committed to the family (which has been easy and delightful), limiting each others romances was irrelevant. And since we both like sex, having occasional adventures has contributed to the sense of confidence and freedom in our family. Our kids get that marriage isn't about sacrifices at all--it's about fostering a wonderful life. We talk little about our other romances, and the concern is always that everyone is happy with the experience...the experience of life. So I advise y'all to stop asking others' advice, and decide what YOU want, and then declare your relationship to provide that. I don't think many people really get joy out of limiting their spouse's romances. I suspect they believe the superstition that limiting another's freedom gives them security. That's what the Soviet Union leaders believed...but it sure didn't buy them security! Love & acceptance are the sources of real security, no?

pf commented on 10/09

Serdna - Don't forget that women are more likely to become emotionally attached to whoever they have sex with, whereas you, as a man, are not so likely to. As such your arrangement may well mean that your girlfriend falls in love with another man more quickly than you fall for another woman - leaving you in the position of 'dumped'. I'm sure you're aware of this possibility though.

TH commented on 10/11

Serdna - Don't forget that women are more likely to become emotionally attached to whoever they have sex with, whereas you, as a man, are not so likely to. As such your arrangement may well mean that your girlfriend falls in love with another man more quickly than you fall for another woman - leaving you in the position of 'dumped'. I'm sure you're aware of this possibility though.

TH commented on 10/11

TH, as a woman, I've found the complete OPPOSITE to be true in most situations. Almost every guy I've slept with outside of a formal relationship has fallen for me, or at least become possessive (and don't tell me this is a reflection on my taste in guys). And LP, please don't forget that there's a middle stage between "single" and "married", and that two of the three couples fall into the "dating" or "non-married, but still in a loving relationship" category.

KJ commented on 10/25

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