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Reader Feedback on "Bad Sex With Steve Almond"
This vignette fulfills the obligation of good literature and made me forget I was reading something; convincing me I was experiencing it. Witty and honest.
Wow, that was painfully pathetic. Takes me back to my high school days. Ha, ha!
This was good, and touches on an important really does often take us years to see how things truly were.
really thoughtful, mp! i'll bet you can write about this sort of stuff lots better. plus, you'd use cool smiley faces, right?
this guy's not that great of a writer..
aw... we've all been there. ive been living in france for the past 3 years which means LOTS of lonely evenings spent walking the streets looking for... im not really sure, or sleeping with men who were just 'nice' but not wonderful lovers. i know how Gabi must have felt (minus the nazi guilt).

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