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12 Hilarious Hookup Stories from People We Met in Bars

The funniest anecdotes from Hooksexup's popular Talking to Strangers column.

Greg, 25, New York

Do you have any interesting hook up stories?
Yes! I got a BJ — a blowjob — fellatio — a female performed fellatio... on my phallus... in a construction site... last weekend.

Thank you for being specific!
In the cockpit of a bulldozer. On North 11th St., between Driggs and Roebling.

Yes. We need the exact address, in case anyone wants to find the construction site. Did you break in?
It was open! There was no door. We just walked in and I sat down. We made out for awhile.

Were you like, "Step into the cockpit of my bulldozer?"
No. It was her. She was very forward. She suggested I take her into the construction site. I was like, let's go into the bulldozer.

Do you intend to see this woman again?

How did you meet her?
At a bar. Forty-five minutes earlier.

So you met a girl in a bar, you took her home...
I did not take her home! I didn't want to take her home. I still don't. And that's why we went to the bulldozer.


Nicole, 29, Montreal

Has anyone done anything outrageous to get your attention?
Yeah, this one guy was a journalist from L.A., and he invited me backstage at a Thunderheist concert. He was like, "Hey girl, do you want to go backstage?" And I was like, "Sure." Soon enough, he was buying me drinks and flirting with me a lot. It impressed me.

Did that evening end as you would expect?
Pretty much, except we were making out, and then he suddenly pulled his hair off. He was bald — it was from alopecia. Later, he pulled his jacket off, and it looked like he took his arm off, too. He was missing an entire hand — he was disabled. So the night continued on, and it was fine, but I was a little surprised.

Did it bother you?
It kind of shocked me. I wished he had told me earlier. But I couldn't dispute the fact that I liked him, even with the fact that he had these differences.

Did it affect sex at all?
Surprisingly, no, not at all. I suppose he'd been working on his technique.


Sal, 36, New York

What's the most you've ever done to get laid?
When I was in high school, staying at my grandparents' place, a girl I met was staying at her grandparents' place. I snuck out of the old folks home where my grandparents were and walked five or six miles through the swamps of Florida to get to the old folks' home that she was staying at, snuck past security, and climbed through the window. Also, I drove three states out of my way on a road trip once to hook up with somebody for an hour. I only had an hour to say "Hey I'm in town!" and then "Do you want to have sex with me?"

And what made this person worth going three states out of your way?
It had been a few days.


Mike, 24, New York

You speak German. Have you ever used it in an intimate setting?
Sure, in Germany. I've had sex with someone who spoke German as their native language. Does that count?

Can you give us some tips on sexy stuff to say in German?
Well, if you watch German porn from the seventies or eighties — what's really funny is that German is this incredibly flat and formal language. It's very expressionless. And there's this one German porn movie where this older dude is getting jerked off by this famous porn star — well, she was famous in the seventies because she looked twelve even though she was eighteen. And she's like "Das ist ein tolles Gefühl für den Schwanz?" Meaning "Is that a good feeling?"And he's like "Ja. Fur mein Peni ist das optimal."

And what does that mean?
It's like "For my pee-pee, it is optimal."

You seem to have this porn memorized.
It really stuck with me.

Is there anything shorter and sexier that you can recommend that's not... creepy?
No, actually. Okay, I have a hookup story. Once in Paris, my friend and I took MDMA with his girlfriend and then we all had sex. And there was also a third dude around.

Did the trip get awkward after the drugs wore off?
Not at all. We were all like "That was really great!" Afterwards, my friend's girlfriend went to sleep and the rest of us walked around — jeez, that sounds so scummy — but we walked around and we went to Notre Dame, to the Sunday morning service.

So you had a foursome on ecstasy and then you went to church?
We didn't go to church, we went to a church. And then we went to McDonald's.


Robyn, 23, Montreal

What's the craziest thing someone has done to get with you?
One time, when I met somebody, they pretended that they were working in the part of the music store that they were not working in, and I pretended I was shopping for the thing I was not shopping for. Collectively, we decided to order something that I did not want. And then they asked me for my phone number,  "for the order." And I gave it to them, and we ended up dating for four years. That was very romantic.

Do you have any good hookup stories?
There have been some good threesome-on-the-dancefloor pickups... oh yeah! This one time, I convinced everyone to come over to my house to play strip dice, strictly so that we could turn it into a fun sex pile — and we totally did, and it was a really good idea. So it's good if you can bring games into the equation.

Did you say strip dice? You need to tell me how to play strip dice.
The rules are completely arbitrary. We were playing dice, but most of the rules ended up involving taking off your clothes. So — dice were rolled, and clothes were taken off. Sexiness ensued.

So the dice were just an excuse for everyone to get naked. Have you had any other game-related sex experiences?
Yeah. Strip poker, strip truth-or-dare ... we played strip "guess that song" once, and that was fun.


Conor, 26, Montreal

Have you ever been offended in the bedroom?
I haven't ever been asked to do anything way over the line, but I've heard the best ever. My former roommate was asked by a girl if she could cut her arm, bleed on his dick, and then give him head. He was like, "You can cut your arm at home by yourself, and separately, you can give me head — but you can't do those things simultaneously. And you certainly can't cut your arm in my house!"


Angie, 23, Chicago

What would you say is your "type"?
Well, based on my personal history, "coked-out freak" is pretty accurate.

Are you aware of this before you start dating them?
I think I am subconsciously, but I just ignore it. I mean, the particular guy I'm thinking of — he never did it around me or anything. The thing is, I started wondering why I liked him so much, because I just loved kissing him — kissing him was just electric. Like, he would kiss me and I'd be thinking, "Holy shit! This is like magic." And I found out later that he had been rubbing coke on his gums, and we'd make out right after and it'd be all over his mouth so... is that even possible? A second-hand coke buzz from making out? Maybe he really was just an awesome kisser.

You seem pretty unfazed by all this. 
He was a musician.

Commentarium (20 Comments)

Apr 02 11 - 12:53am

I remember reading angie's answers a while back and cracking up.

Apr 02 11 - 12:54am

also, you guys should link back to the specific TTS'. I missed a couple on here

Apr 02 11 - 3:01am

Chad, 22, New York <---- Had me bust out laughing! ... Thank you so much for the cheer!

Apr 02 11 - 6:30am

Dev's story is a little terrifying. What sort of body language is supposed to let someone know they're going to get peed on? I can't even imagine.

Apr 02 11 - 7:01pm

I wholeheartedly agree. There are lots of things you can give a shot to without asking -- but peeing on someone isn't one of them!

Apr 02 11 - 12:20pm

Sal, my friend, you need a new hat.

Apr 02 11 - 1:49pm

I wonder how many regulars Hooksexup has to go through before finding these 'gems'?

Apr 02 11 - 6:26pm

montrealers are crazy!

Apr 07 11 - 2:52pm
uh huh

Yeah, no kidding. Considering the relative populations of NY and MTL, MTL is represented a LOT in this sample.

Apr 07 11 - 4:17pm

I think it's which interviewer is more diligent and gets the most interviews - that's why MTL is there so much. Hooksexup has to fill up space. Most MTL people are in the arts. It's funny to know them and read their experiences here.

Apr 03 11 - 12:12am

That gorilla suit story is awesome!

Apr 06 11 - 2:06am


She sounds like so much fun. I think gorilla suit is a better costume for shame-walking than fishnets and last night's make up.

Apr 06 11 - 6:57pm

A great story well told - I think you could write a movie script around that scene. And yes, she sounds like a LOT of fun.

Apr 03 11 - 3:49pm

This was the best of TTS - thanks! (I can't even imagine the shower cap situation.)

Apr 04 11 - 2:03pm

Whoa! One of these stories is about me!! (And that's not his real name.)

Apr 04 11 - 11:22pm

Are you the construction site girl or the guy who got peed on?

Apr 05 11 - 11:51am
lemme guess?


Apr 09 11 - 4:38am

L. Diablo is very Barbarella-esque. Love it

Apr 11 11 - 12:30pm
tad askew

okay...preface to was about twenty years ago...but still vivid to this day...hanging with a few friends at a bar listening to a friends...a couple i had helped hook-up who later got married(happy family today)...i wasn't really a third wheel...i was friends with both of them before...anyhow...there was a gal sitting at the bar overdressed for the dive we were speculated...why the fancy duds(we're talking prom dress here)...she was very petite so i figured she was too young to be friends assumed she was trying to hook-up with the bartender or a band member...well...being the brash drunk that i am...i figured the only way to find out was to ask went to the bar...ordered 4 shots and invited her over to join us...seems she hadn't been out for a while and didn't know what the place was like...anyway...when she found out i was the single guy at the table she proceeded to get me drunk...i begged off rather booze is nice...but i had a job in the morning...i asked her if she'd like to go grab some coffee we are leaving she asked me where i lived..."you have coffee at your place don't you?"...what the hell...took her back to my place and started a pot...while the coffee is brewing she starts telling me about her life...surprise...she's married...she goes on and on about the mental and emotional anguish her husband puts her through...truly tragic stuff...but at this in hand...i just want this gal out of my after listening to a long rant i respond with the standard midwest response to all things tragic..."well, what do you do?"...i have never had a response to that seems nicer to say that than saying something along the lines of "that's just messed up"...but she responded to my hypothetical question with..."i'm up for anything but takin it up the butt"....
needless to say...i no longer use the phrase "well, what do you do?" when responding to the tragedies of midwestern women...

Apr 13 11 - 4:35pm
Sex Fairy

Cockpit of a bulldozer!?!? HOTT! Wait, is that what that's called: 'cockpit'? I think it's a CAB.
In any case, HEAR, HEAR!!!