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Talking to Strangers: Montreal, QC

Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we've just met.

Philippa, 41

What do you do for a living?
I am a clinical massage therapist and a full-time student. I study social work.

Are you seeing anyone at the moment?
That depends on how you define "seeing." [laughs] I would say that I'm seeing a couple of people at the moment, but no committed monogamous stuff. It's more like friends that I have fun with — basically two people. And yeah, they're very different, and they're both friends, and it's really fun. I'm never looking for a relationship. Sometimes they show up, and then I can't do anything about them. [laughs] But I'm never actively looking for them.

Does that mean that there's usually an element of coercion in your relationships?
Well, if we're lucky. Just joking. No, usually I just end up... I don't know, I go with what I feel, and sometimes things just happen. I don't try to question, or look, or predict, or force. That's landed me in everything from a marriage to a seven-year relationship before. But I was never looking for it.

You're no longer married?
I'm separated, yeah. Since about six months ago.

How are you feeling in the aftermath?
Great. Absolutely fantastic. Yep. I mean, sad for the breakdown of my marriage, but personally, relieved and liberated.

I can understand why you wouldn't be looking for anything serious right now.
No. And I think I'm reconfiguring what serious is. I'm just not looking to do the same relationship that I've done over and over again.

What patterns have your relationships usually fallen into?
Well, I meet them, and then from the day after I meet them, I see them every day, for years. Then they move in, and we spend a lot of time together, and then at one point, we don't like each other very much any more, and we spend more time together until we decide not to be together any more. And that's the end.

What's the alternative?
I think I'm trying to figure out how to have relationships that aren't constrained by boundaries. You know, where I can feel confident and comfortable with somebody, even if they happen to sleep with other people. Or if I'm sleeping with other people, it doesn't impact the way that I feel about someone else. I'm pretty open to being in love with multiple people at the same time. I think love can be infinite. That's complicated, sometimes, but hopefully there's a way to share sex and intimacy and friendship and support without having to fit into this nuclear construction that, you know, Disney princesses designed.

How did your upbringing influence your sexuality?
Hmm. Well, I was brought up by a group of lesbians, so you can extrapolate from there. It was a lesbian collective. There were five women and three kids, and it was awesome, and I would recommend anybody to be brought up that way. Because you didn't have such intensity — those relationships shifted a lot. Sometimes there would be people coupling, and sometimes they would be with someone else, and as kids, we never had that definition of mother-father-child. It was always sort of like, people who lived there and took care of you, and there was not so much pressure. So I think that makes me a lot more relaxed about things like jealousy, and understanding that relationships come and go, but they can morph. Just because it's no longer a one-on-one thing doesn't mean that there isn't some kind of valuable relationship between those people. I have a very relaxed attitude about how you would define a relationship — and that definitely comes from being brought up by a bunch of lesbian feminists who had unconventional ideas about relationships.


Kevin, 38

What would be your type, if you had to define it?
I guess somebody who's sexy and funny. Those are the two things I think of. And intelligent. Somebody who's just fun to be with, who's positive and open-minded and has a non-judgmental character, and who's optimistic about things, and who's... did I mention open-minded?

Why is that such an important requirement?
Because if there's anything I'm intolerant of, it's people who are intolerant of other people. So yeah, I need to find somebody who doesn't have a critical nature, who doesn't feed their ego by belittling other people.

Do you have any favorite hookup stories that you'd like to tell?
I was in an all-night bar, and it was about three, four in the morning, and I was waiting in line, and there were these four girls. So I started talking to them, and I thought that they were all lesbians. They were a lot of fun, and it never occurred to me that there was any type of, you know, physical attraction, that they were looking to pick me up — or that they were worried about me picking them up. That's one reason that we just enjoyed hanging out. We got in the club, and I spent half the night hanging out with them, and half the night hanging out with my friends, and then at the end of the night, they asked me if I wanted to go for breakfast. Then they asked me to come and hang out at one of the girls' places, and then we went downstairs into this big room. There was a couple of beds on the floor, and I still didn't think anything of it —

No, honestly, I didn't! I wasn't looking or thinking that anything was going to happen, and they'd obviously known each other for a long time and were comfortable in each others' company. And then two of the girls started kissing each other, and the other two just turned to me and they smiled, and I went, "Now I know why I'm here." And yeah... the insanity ensued. It was a lot of fun. They were really, really great girls.

Wow, a four-to-one ratio is pretty favorable for you.
Two of them were bisexual, and the other two had never been with men before, and I ended up sleeping with one of the girls that had never been with a guy before. That was a pretty surreal experience, to be with her, the fact that she trusted me, and I was just a guy that she'd met that night.

I think that's the pinnacle of male sexual fantasy right there, and you made it happen. I'm impressed.
Yeah, but it's funny how that doesn't really happen if you try to plan it out. A lot of it is spontaneity and chemistry and the energy that you have with each other. I've never really been one to be on the prowl, but I like to feel people out and have fun with them and enjoy their company.

Is there anything that you would like to change about the way women approach dating?
Have a little more empathy for guys who actually make the effort, as opposed to being so standoffish with men, because it does take a lot of courage for a guy. I mean, it's true that a lot of guys don't have tact, and a lot of guys can be too aggressive or too insensitive, or too focused on getting you to like them, and they're not focused on who you are. But please, just be a little more patient and open-minded with guys who make the effort to communicate with you. If they're halfway intelligent, they're going to pick up if you're not attracted to them.


Sabine, 29

What do you do for a living?
Wait, we're talking about my job? Do I have to have a full-on facial portrait? I'm a freelance... um, entertainment specialist.

Can you be more specific?
My target demographic is lonely middle-aged men in despair. [laughs]

Does your profession ever get you dates?
Preferably, no.

Where do you generally meet the people you are interested in dating?
Honestly, through my circle of friends. I don't want to date strangers, because it takes too long to get them accustomed to my lifestyle, so it's just sort of easier to meet people who have already been vetted by my friends.

Have you had many problems in the past explaining your lifestyle to the people you're dating?
I've had problems explaining my lifestyle to my roommates, so let me say that if I explain it to someone these days, and they're not comfortable with what I do, then that's the end of the date. How I make my money is a big part of my life — it's how I pay my rent, how I pay my tuition. And I prefer to be around people who are accepting and open-minded about alternative venues of income. Alternative communities.

What kinds of alternative communities have you participated in?
I'd say most of my friends are queer or kinky.

Do you consider yourself queer?
It's about the only label that I think I'd be comfortable adopting. I don't identify as straight. I don't identify as gay. I don't identify necessarily as bisexual, but that's sort of like the lump that I get pushed into. I actually had this conversation earlier today with someone, about how when I'm with straight friends, they consider me gay, and when I'm hanging around with lesbian friends, they call me "the straight girl."

What qualities do you find attractive in a potential date?
Androgyny. Yep. I find it not just appealing, but necessary.

What makes androgyny so important to you?
The ability to encompass the best of both genders without exemplifying either. It's sexy. Girly boys and butch ladies. I want someone who can bake me muffins and put up shelves and let me mother them. To be able to do everything across the spectrum, without feeling like I have to act like a certain example of a female because they're a certain example of a male. I like balance.

Any good hookup stories you'd like to share?
There was one incident in Paris. I picked up this Italian in a bar I was hanging out at, thinking he was some sort of Italian stallion, all hot and ready to go, but it turned out that he was a gelding. Like, not literally, but we get back to his place, with, I think, eight stories of narrow walk-up stairs. We get to the top floor and into his apartment — and he is honestly the worst lay ever. And then he has the gall to ask me, "So, in North America, do you have sex without condoms?" At that point I said something along the lines of, "I was just leaving," and left him naked there in bed at 4 o'clock in the morning. I walked down the stairs and none of the metros were open. It was the most surreal morning, walking through Paris as the sun was coming up over the church spires, and seeing the vomit of last night's partying below, and a beautiful sunrise above.

What is the most outrageous thing someone has done to get with you?
I've had people do incredibly nice things, and that's the best way to get my attention. I think that's the number-one way — be exceptionally kind.

Commentarium (46 Comments)

Apr 07 11 - 12:21am

Best TTS in a while. Love the variety.

Apr 07 11 - 1:17am

Agree. It's the gender variation, combined with people who have some self awareness, experience, and humor. More like this, please.

Apr 07 11 - 2:45am

I have a big crush on Phuong.

Apr 07 11 - 5:41am

@AB: They're all older than the typical Talking to Strangers people. That explains it.

Apr 07 11 - 7:32am

Oh my God, Rachel and Melza. All the interviewees are cool, but everything those two say is pure gold. I love them.

Apr 07 11 - 7:59am

Can we please get out of this city? Are there no other cities where people have sex? It's been like three times so far and it's always a snore.

Apr 07 11 - 8:17am

Eat a dick

Apr 07 11 - 9:34am

AND an ass.

Apr 07 11 - 11:02am

come for a visit, if you don't have the best time and sex of your life, I'll eat your ass - just take the stick out, I had very expensive dental work as a child.

Apr 07 11 - 11:32am

Excellent and well deserved

Apr 07 11 - 11:32am

I was referring to Poutine's comment, not stixupass

Apr 07 11 - 4:05pm

It's sad that these comments only prove the commenter's point.

Apr 09 11 - 10:23pm

Except for that "disagreeing" part.

Apr 13 11 - 7:56am

Glad to see that "eat a dick" = "disagreeing". I agree, this city is way too overexposed for Hooksexup.

Apr 07 11 - 8:25am

Boring. Couldn't work up the interest to look at the second page.

Apr 07 11 - 9:18am

TTS is always so much more interesting when you talk to people who've lived a bit, and are not self-delusional about being an "artist." Unlike HooksexupReader, I found this one to be very interesting and enjoyable to read.

Apr 07 11 - 9:28am
mr. jingles

this was great.

Apr 07 11 - 9:38am

Kevin is so spot-on....the ridiculous hookups only happen when you don't work for them. Any effort, and *poof* nothing.

Apr 07 11 - 10:15am

He is clearly lying

Apr 07 11 - 1:27pm

Nah- rings true to me. In college same thing happened to me, except it wasn't a sranger-at-a-bar thing but friends at a party. And it was totally unexpected on my part. And i know lesbians now in my city who pick up/bring home dudes here and there.

Apr 07 11 - 10:14am

Honestly I think the biggest problem with this feature isn't the content, its the design of the page - you have line lengths of about 100 characters, when the eye gets tired of reading after between 50-70 (see HooksexupReader's comment). You might want to just change the format of the page a little and see what happens. Constructive criticism meant to help.

Apr 07 11 - 10:21am

Really, you get tired? It's two pages...

Apr 07 11 - 10:49am

It's not about how may pages..its just a eye fatigue thing and better design.

Apr 07 11 - 3:46pm

I think they did it that way so they could put in larger photos. This section has always had a different format from the rest of Hooksexup. Would you really want it scrunched up with ads on the side?

Apr 07 11 - 10:37pm

They could always have one large photo and two or three other smaller photos of them, the bar, the street, whatever...and wrap the text around the smaller ones. There are a ton of ways to do this feature without ads. I've been a Hooksexup reader since 2002, I feel like I should be allowed to make suggestions.

Apr 08 11 - 10:22am

Well you’re not ok?

Apr 07 11 - 12:38pm

Lots of fun, these profiles. I was most warmed by Philippa. How lovely it must have been to be raised in such a family. How delightful Philippa's libido seems to be. 'tis a shame we cannot share our sexuality as easily as we share our intellect.

Apr 07 11 - 3:50pm

I have no idea how you found all these interesting people for a single article, but it was a great read, and a refreshing change from the 23-year-olds-in-a-bar interviews. Thank you!

Apr 07 11 - 4:33pm

Phuong, I like you!

Apr 07 11 - 6:13pm

GREAT variety. Wololo!

Apr 07 11 - 9:46pm

Rachel and Melza sound like great folks
Kevin is totally right about when you dont work at it , it just happens.

Apr 07 11 - 11:03pm

I loved Philippa! She seems like an absolutely lovely woman who could hold a great conversation. Also the couple was adorable - it's refreshing to see this kind of a relationship. Thanks for the varied ages too!

Apr 07 11 - 11:30pm
Dr. Girlfriend

at first when I skimmed the page and saw the ages, I was like "..... this might be boring.." but I really enjoyed this one. They aged well and have better stories

Apr 08 11 - 11:14am

Guess what? People's lives don't end when they hit thirty. Interesting people remain interesting their whole lives.

Apr 10 11 - 6:23pm

Agreed. In fact, I'd rather read an interview with people with real life experiences.

Apr 08 11 - 9:42am

Kevin is attracted to sexy and funny people? How original!

Apr 08 11 - 10:08am

Boring. Kevin seemed douche-y.

Apr 08 11 - 4:50pm

I feel like in all of these articles we only get to hear from people with the most apart-from-the-norm experiences. How are these people being selected?

No disrespect; it was a fascinating article, but I'd love some diversity next time. Honestly, it'd be fascinating to hear from someone in a more traditional relationship or *gasp* even a pro-lifer. I mean, why talk to strangers if not to get a viewpoint other than your own?

Apr 12 11 - 10:39pm
Felix Jones

There's no pro-lifers in Canada. At least not east of Alberta.

Apr 08 11 - 5:39pm
Felix Jones

Montreal runs on puppy tears an rainbows, nobody seems to do anything productive.

Apr 09 11 - 3:03pm

It's so true, this city is way too indulgent, I need to leave. Eating and sitting in cafes and working on art projects while not actually working. It's getting a little old.

Apr 12 11 - 10:38pm
Felix Jones

The term 'project' has lost all meaning. Kind of like 'art'.

Apr 12 11 - 5:15pm

So great to finally have some people who have lived a little. I like the variety in age. It would be fun to read even older. Was getting very tired of the 20 somethings who said to much and over and over again.

Sep 29 11 - 2:40pm

sabine a beutiful girl,