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Itzhak on Fred Perry, athletic shoes, and the return of the turtleneck

Itzak on Hooksexup's tools of attraction

Hi, what’s your name?

Can you tell me are you wearing?
The shirt is Fred Perry, the jeans are John Varvatos, the shoes are Converse, and the hat is vintage. I don’t know where it’s from; it’s really old.

What are some trends that you are looking forward to this fall?
Hah, none really. I’ve seen some things on the street that I don’t like, definitely. I think harem pants are terrible, and drop-crotch pants are pretty bad too

Great. So, for a woman you're attracted to, what's a fashion dealbreaker? Harem pants, obviously.
Yeah, harem pants are pretty brutal. The harem jumpsuit is pretty bad, too. I'd say a definite no to both those things. In terms of things I like, it's great when girls walk around looking really put-together and complete. A good outfit might be a trench coat, a pair of cute flats, and some nice jeans. Turtlenecks are also cute for fall.

Spoken like a true Fred Perry enthusiast!  Now, what about if you were going out to a bar, trying to get laid, what would you wear?
I would probably wear some loafers, because there’s really no excuse for dudes to wear sneakers when they’re going out. Unless they’re jogging, or they’re going to play some kind of sport.

Thank you!
I would also wear some nicer jeans or maybe even some tailored suit pants, then a sweater with a collared shirt underneath. Again, T-shirts and baseball hats aren’t really appropriate for going out. I would just try to be very put together. To me, it doesn’t really matter how fancy you look, as long as there’s some thought behind it.

Comments ( 3 )


Irit Saidoff commented on Sep 27 10 at 12:20 pm

He is just such a yummy young man.

Ginger commented on Sep 27 10 at 1:51 pm

agree completely on the joggers - my pet hate is people who were runners and jeans *shudder* also, what a cutie!

Mishlynn commented on Oct 04 10 at 2:16 am

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