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Hailee Steinfeld ad

Fresh off their shutdown of Dakota Fanning's too-sexy Marc Jacobs ad, the U.K.'s Advertising Standards Authority is now banning a Miu Miu ad with True Grit star Hailee Steinfeld because it shows a child in a "hazardous or dangerous situation."

The ASA received a complaint that the ad might be suggestive of suicide, since Steinfeld appears to be crying. While neither the watchdog nor Prada, Miu Miu's parent company, agreed with this notion, the ASA did think Steinfeld's seating choice by the railroad tracks was "irresponsible" given her age. (She's fourteen.) Prada protested that "she could have easily moved from where she was sitting because she was not restrained in any way," to no avail.

Now, I'm not sure how effective the ad is — Steinfeld wiping dust or tears or perhaps Josh Brolin's blood from her eye while awkwardly perching on railroad tracks doesn't exactly make me want to go shopping — but the ban seems pretty silly. There's no old-timey train barreling toward Steinfeld and, yeah, she could simply wobble off in her heels if one did materialize. As for the potential weeping, this is fashion, darling. If you're not depressed, you're not doing it right.

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Nov 28 11 - 8:35pm

Media Awareness classes should be compulsory for kids, same as English, maths, etc. all throughout school. Seems like a better alternative to banning ads and a more effective one.

Nov 28 11 - 10:26pm
I don't know...

Deaths related to trains are currently at a high rate in the UK. Services are frequently shut down because of trespassers. I can see this being a concern.

Nov 29 11 - 12:34am

I don't have a problem with the concept of the photo, as there's no violence or implied violence going on, and it seems pretty typical high fashion stuff. What I do have a problem with is using such young-looking girls to market clothes intended for adult women. Shouldn't 14 year-olds be shopping at Forever 21 or American Eagle or something? Let's let kids/teens be just that, instead of shoehorning them prematurely into adulthood. There will be plenty of time for wearing adult clothes and living adult circumstances when they're actually adults -- what is the rush?! Conversely, actual adult women shouldn't be told to aspire to look like teens. Hi warped beauty standards and pedophiles! For the sake of everyone, can we please not sexualize and adult-ize young girls?

Nov 29 11 - 5:38am

Why is she dressed like she's going to a board meeting? She's supposed to be in like 8th or 9th grade. She still wears a training bra for fucks sake!

Dec 01 11 - 4:15pm

stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life...

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