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Maxim cover girl wants you to support Obamacare today

Jennifer Sky

The actress and model Jennifer Sky had to give up her career several years ago because of a crippling illness, but now she's back on our radar... and we can all thank the President. The former Maxim and Stuff cover girl says she was denied insurance for years due to "pre-existing conditions," but the recent health-insurance bill trumpeted by Barack Obama saved her.

Diagnosed years ago with non-cancerous tumors that chewed up 60% of her liver, Sky was dropped from the Screen Actors Guild insurance plan because she couldn't work to keep up her dues. Separated from her husband, she was accidentally dropped from his insurance and hit with a retroactive bill of $19,000 in medical costs. And so began an epic process that included her being rejected by Blue Cross for her pre-existing condition.

Jennifer Sky Stuff Magazine

By the way, having your chest cut open is not the only way to be determined un-insurable. Pregnant? That's a pre-existing condition. Ever seen a therapist and been prescribed antidepressants? You have one, too. Susceptible to chronic urinary tract infections or kidney stones? You guessed it. Asthma? Ditto.

In fact, it wasn't until our government passed the health care bill I so often hear referred to -- with a derogatory slur -- as "ObamaCare" that I earned the right to be covered under the new Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan. [Lemondrop]

If you haven't voted today, keep this question in mind: did my representative vote for or against my right to have medical insurance?

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Nov 02 10 - 1:14pm
You gotta be kidding

What a load of $%^#, poor little pretty girl gets saved by Obama on election day!

Nov 02 10 - 1:38pm

He can save me a few more like her, if that's okay. PS. GREAT president!

Nov 02 10 - 2:19pm

I think you're all a bunch of communists for wanting free healthcare such as the rest of the civilized world already has.

Nov 02 10 - 2:29pm

Thank you Obama for makign everybody in the entire USA buy health care insurance. That'll teach the dirty rotten health care insurers now that everybody has to pay them big bucks.

Nov 02 10 - 3:38pm

funny how the polls show that the majority of people who don't really know what's in it are against it and the majority of people who have been shown what it really entails are for it. the big failure wasn't the passage of the bill it was the failure to educate people about it. but hey, ignorance is bliss, right?

Nov 02 10 - 3:46pm

You're right Bo, but even so this woman and millions like her couldn't even BUY insurance.That really is change - even if it isn't enough.

Aug 31 11 - 2:12pm

Posts like this brhgiten up my day. Thanks for taking the time.

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