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redheaded baby

There's a higher chance you won't be giving birth to the next Christina Hendricks or Rupert Grint, at least if you're utilizing the world's largest sperm bank. Cyros, to help out with the pregnancy process. Cyros is currently turning down redheaded donors. According to Ole Schou, Cyros' director:

"There are too many redheads in relation to demand. I do not think you chose a redhead, unless the partner for example, the sterile male has red hair, or because the lone woman has a preference for redheads. And that's perhaps not so many, especially in the latter case."

Aw, looks like nobody wants a ginger kid. Though I personally take offense to that. Some of Hollywood's hottest celebrities have awesome red locks. Stop depriving the world of the next Emma Stone or Conan O'Brien, Cyros. (Or maybe we'd just have better luck finding a more suitable pool of suitors in Ireland.)


Commentarium (26 Comments)

Sep 21 11 - 1:57pm

the article is from a British website. If you know anything about the Brits, they're totally racist towards redheads for some reason. Maybe it's cause they hate the Irish or themselves.

Sep 21 11 - 3:08pm

No, it's b/c gingers can't be trusted and they are unattractive.

Sep 21 11 - 3:30pm


Sep 21 11 - 8:00pm

That's not true. They just don't have souls.

Sep 21 11 - 2:16pm

Every news item I have seen about this misrepresents the statement. They aren't turning away all redheads - they just have enough donors already. And the shit about "racist towards redheads" is just some dumb schoolkid thing from a couple of years ago - hit a ginger day. Seeing as Britain has far more redheads than anywhere else (in Scotland they are 17% of the population!) being racist against them would be a lot of work.

Sep 21 11 - 2:23pm

That is ridiculous! Redheads are the cutest—and I say that from the bottom of my heart, because I am not a redhead.

Sep 21 11 - 2:24pm

If this is true, redheads should just dye their hair and lie on the apps. It would be the reproductive version of getting rickrolled.

Sep 21 11 - 3:54pm

I wish someone would organize that. That would be hilarious!

Sep 21 11 - 5:10pm

I did it today. my hair looks stupid brown though.

Sep 21 11 - 2:27pm

I love redheads. I wish everyone were either redhead, auburn or brunette.

Sep 21 11 - 2:32pm

Sorry to burst your bubble but Emma Stone isn't a real red head.

Sep 21 11 - 3:05pm

Yeah pretty sure Cristina Hendricks isn't either ..

Sep 21 11 - 3:10pm

Christina is the real deal actually!

Sep 21 11 - 5:47pm

She isn't. She's been dying her hair since youth. She reaaaally liked Anne of Green Gables.

Sep 22 11 - 12:00am

C-Hen (which is what I call her as we are close and personal friends) is actually a blondie.

Sep 21 11 - 2:42pm
Jules Morgan

I have the most beautiful Redhead - well he is actually auburn, closer to brown but gets the "ginger" remarks still - who at 17 is the most chased after young man at his school. I pay no attention but have been told by the instructors that the girls are constantly being asked to go take their seats and stop approaching him in class. Yea....................")

Sep 21 11 - 3:09pm

To be honest I don't think I could love a ginger headed baby as much as say a normal baby.

Sep 21 11 - 7:28pm

You should be bullied.

Sep 22 11 - 11:37am

Everyone is bullied to some extent, by someone. Kids are assholes and will find anything to make fun of each other for! gingers are just a REALLY easy target - and no one likes them so it's ok to bully them!

Sep 21 11 - 4:19pm

Genetic mutation.

Sep 21 11 - 4:32pm

i have a red head close friend he has no soul, and would f** your wife if he had a chance

Sep 21 11 - 5:10pm

Sorry Geebee, you're talking out of the wrong orifice this time. You're obviously not a redhead, or don't live in Britain, or you would remember being spat on or abused for your hair colour. The last time I was back in Scotland was this summer for a memorial for my mother who'd died suddenly. The 6pm train had barely left the station out of Edinburgh before I had three drunken oil rig boys yelling 'ginger minger' while one offered to wallpaper my head (????) so they could f**k me. Nice.

I do agree the article isn't being accurately represented. I would guess that a lot of people would want a baby that might look like themselves and red hair is less likely to be the norm.

Sep 22 11 - 11:39am

"Ginger minger" ...British, for "fire crotch" LOVE IT!

Sep 22 11 - 12:59pm

Well I'm not a redhead, but I grew up in Britain. Mrs Bee is back there right now visiting her mum. She has this 16 yr old cousin who is ginger and she doesn't get this nonsense. Mind you she is tall and attractive so maybe that makes the boys behave better. As for the drunk oil rig boys, those assholes are just assholes.

Sep 21 11 - 5:26pm

Actually Emma Stone is naturally a blonde, just saying. Still this is wicked funny!

Sep 22 11 - 10:18am

It's GOTTA be an anti-Irish thing. And didn't I read recently that natural redheads are due to become extinct before too long? Damn shame, damn shame.

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