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Dr. Nick Rivera from The Simpsons

There are good doctors, there are bad doctors, and there's Dr. Arie Oren of suburban Philadelphia, who's in trouble for offering calorie-burning orgasms in his office, among other things. During his tenure at an area weight-loss center, the trained medical professional had committed a number of travesties behind closed doors:

"If you have an orgasm, that would burn around 200 calories," he is quoted in his arrest affidavit as telling one patient who told him she was uncomfortable.

One victim said that Oren grabbed her breasts and said that although she may want to lose her stomach, she wouldn't want to lose her breasts, police said.

Another claimed that after assaulting her and putting her hand on his penis, he told her that "the visit is on the house because you're so hot," according to court documents.

Oren often used an electronic massager with a long handle and flat, round head around the victims' thighs and buttocks, telling them that it would break up the fat, police said.

He would then move the massager to the patients' genital area and then sometimes inserted his finger into the patients, according to court documents.

And so forth. Basically, he's a terrible person, and the cops now know that — he's being held in jail for four counts of aggravated indecent assault and eight counts of indecent assault. But really, calorie-burning orgasms? Come on, guy.

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Apr 14 11 - 12:58pm

Seems like you could burn off those calories at home.

Apr 14 11 - 4:54pm
Edward SF

Creepy doctor sex is never good

Apr 14 11 - 6:31pm

Who the hell fell for this?

Apr 16 11 - 7:05am

Maybe some actually fell for it, but maybe some just felt too ashamed/violated/confused/frightened to fight back. I've worked in sex shops a long time and came in to it with a pretty strong view of my right to protect myself from being violated against my consent, and it still took me longer than I'd like to admit to be able to make a scene or tell guys to FUCK OFF when they got predatory/inappropriate after I'd politely asked them to stop. There's really deep social programming about not making a scene and about feeling complicit in getting violated. I imagine if it's an authority figure, like a doctor, in a private room, like an exam room, in a situation where you may be undressed to some degree, like during an examination, it's even worse.

Apr 14 11 - 7:07pm

Hilarious. Made my break.

Apr 11 12 - 11:45pm
funny shit

i agree

Apr 15 11 - 7:55pm
I gUEss

oh look some fuckface loser named BRAD maybe you eat shit on your next break creep

Dec 19 11 - 3:44pm


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