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Lena Dunham's Tight Shots, Episode 4

In preparation for Lena Dunham's upcoming HBO series, Girls, we're rerunning Tight Shots, an original video series Dunham made for Hooksexup in 2007. Tight Shots is about film students working on a project about the "budding sexuality" of a teenage girl in the Deep South. None of them have ever been to the South, but they do have some experience with budding sexuality — in the traditional fashion of art students everywhere, they're all sleeping with each other. Check out the fourth episode above, and click here for the others.

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Commentarium (2 Comments)

Mar 22 12 - 2:35pm

I hope the woman under the umbrella is a character in the movie! What a PITA bitch! Ugh, too many like that in the world, without validation here! I think the shots are pretty loose, the story line is weak, the dialog is painfully boring! What is this doing here at all? Mediocre would be a compliment to this drivel.

Mar 23 12 - 10:44pm
B913 telabog

I think you're being overly harsh. Check out 'Peep Show' on youtube. That took awhile to warm up too, but it turns into the funniest fucking thing since sliced bread. Great things can come from humble beginnings.

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