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sexy banned peta ad

In PETA's new commercial — perhaps to run during the Super Bowl, if it doesn't get banned — ladies show some love to vegetables. A little too much, if you ask me. In fact, in essence, it runs the gamut of degrading stereotypes about women. You know, to save the animals.

The director starts by saying: "Why don't you pick a vegetable and show us how much you love it?" And they start innocently enough: two women (appropriately, close-mouth) kiss an eggplant. But after that, it's every veggie for itself, as a woman in a bikini and heels lies on a couch, feet in the air, literally fellating an endive. It's basically indistinguishable from the beginning of a porn movie. Also, an endive? 

Commentarium (15 Comments)

Feb 01 11 - 2:05pm

what is that one woman doing putting vegetables into her own bath water? is that her idea of cooking?

Feb 01 11 - 2:10pm

Umm, as usual, PETA is profiting from the hype, knowing that won't get shown. No surprise there.

Feb 01 11 - 2:11pm

Why does PETA think degrading women will get their support?

Feb 01 11 - 2:15pm

I hardly believe that vegetarians have better sex.

Feb 01 11 - 2:33pm

Ugh, PETA seriously annoys the piss out of me.

Feb 01 11 - 2:38pm

This is the wrong clip.

Feb 01 11 - 4:04pm

This is actually disgusting. More offensive than any porn I've ever seen because it comes with the bullshit moral high ground attached. Not to mention the joke in the middle when the man attempts to do one. "Lol men trying to be sexy is hilarious!" Fuck you PETA. This is why I give my money to the Sierra Club.

Feb 01 11 - 5:41pm

Although I certainly do ~Love my CUKESandZUKES, give me a beefy RibEye any time, and I'll show you how it's really done. JS''

Feb 01 11 - 5:53pm

How are these innocent plants supposed to live when all chewed up and floating in stomach acid? PETA is far too speciesist for me. Plants deserve life, too.

Feb 02 11 - 12:13am

Clever of them to use an endive though.

Feb 02 11 - 9:27am
Dye Et

O great. Somone finally figured out how to get underweight women to eat something, and it's wrong.

Feb 02 11 - 12:21pm

I second Bo. Free the veggies from this vile onslaught upon their integrity!

Feb 05 11 - 4:38pm

There is plenty of room for all god's creatures...right next to the mashed potatoes and brown gravy.

Jul 23 11 - 11:34am

Great post with lots of improatnt stuff.

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