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Christina Hendricks

Given the title, I admit, my first thought was that a film with that title would be what Mad Men fans everywhere have been secretly waiting for. Don't act like that's not why you clicked.

But alas, though Christina Hendricks has signed up for a film called Seconds of Pleasure, it just isn't about the seconds of pleasure you'd experience in her loving embrace. (Let's face it, minutes would be pushing it.) Rather, the film's going to be set on a plane and will connect a group of passengers through looks into their pre-flight lives. Misleading, I know. Maybe you Hendricks lovers will get a little mile-high action or a sexy flashback, but I doubt it. 

The project, directed by Mike Figgis (Leaving Las Vegas), will also feature Matt Dillon, Julia Stiles, and Brendan Fraser. Honesty time: besides Hendricks, I'm not too excited about that cast. I wasn't aware Fraser was allowed to do movies where he isn't an archaeologist/action-hero, and I was pretty sure that Julia Stiles was dead. Hopefully, their characters' lives are extremely interesting, and there aren't any mummies on the flight. Fraser is set to play Hendricks' husband, by the way, so if you guys get that sex scene you're hoping for, it might be a little bittersweet. 

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Mar 16 11 - 2:25pm

Why's it gotta be only the guys hoping for the sex scene?

Mar 16 11 - 5:08pm
D. Warner

I meant "guys" in a general sense. Similar to how "Hey, gang!" doesn't refer to the Bloods or Crips.

Mar 16 11 - 2:38pm
Sean Matthews

You know, that is unfair about Brendan Fraser. He has lifetime credit on the strength of Gods and Monsters - a movie Hooksexup should know.

Mar 17 11 - 10:49am

Ahem. Julia Stiles has a guest role on Dexter, which got her a Golden Glboe nom. Very not dead.

Mar 26 11 - 1:46pm

Brendan gained weight for his role in Furry Vengance, admittedly not his best work, but this is what actors do, they become the character they are playing, im sure he will be buff and fit for it next role, but if not...who cares? Hollywood is so hung up on the physical, we seem to forget about the talent Brendan has, maybe he made a few bad choices in film roles in recent years, but that doesnt make him a bad actor....He great in Character roles, and gives his I for one am looking forward to seeing him in this movie....sounds like a great cast..

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