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College students vie to make Quidditch a real sport

Quidditch brooms.

People who grew up reading the Harry Potter books are all bound together by one sad reality: that it's not real. But according to the Wall Street Journal, some refuse to believe it, going so far as treating the popular witch pastime of Quidditch like it's a real thing that real humans do. 

Reports the highly respected newspaper:

There are tournaments, new rules and special brooms for competitive play. The "Quidditch World Cup" is moving this year to the Big Apple from Middlebury's idyllic campus. More than 60 college and high school teams have registered to compete Nov. 13 and 14—up from 20 last year—at a park in Manhattan.

So yes, they do use brooms.

One ambitious student is trying to get the NCAA to recognize her refusal to grow up Quidditch, a move she thinks could be a "stepping stone" to the game becoming an Olympic sport.

Watch the plight of one student trying to get NYU to acknowledge the whims of her Quidditch team:

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Oct 26 10 - 2:36pm

If they dropped the brooms and ridiculous outfits, there is possibly a legitimate sport underneath. Something between lacrosse, handball and roller derby.

Oct 26 10 - 2:36pm

If they dropped the brooms and ridiculous outfits, there is possibly a legitimate sport underneath. Something between lacrosse, handball and roller derby.

Oct 26 10 - 3:08pm

I wonder how many cats she owns? Although, it is heartening to see NYU girls with something between their legs besides seniors.

Oct 26 10 - 3:27pm
nyu grad

When I was a student, any group of 10 people could sign up as club and get university funding (being classified as a sport is harder). I'm pretty sure that rule still applies. I don't know why she thinks she needs to shill to the media for sponsorship.

@twolane: you were rejected a lot, weren't you?

Oct 26 10 - 6:43pm
nick d

Someone needs to tell them to print t-shirts and start selling them online stat.

Oct 26 10 - 8:19pm

i'm also trying to get sponsorship for my Pocket Pool team. I've been playing since I was 3. I think we have 11 billion members.

Oct 26 10 - 9:14pm

Jeez, what's with the Quidditch hate in the article? It looks like it's fun and good exercise. Who cares if they're reliving a childhood fantasy?

Oct 27 10 - 2:24pm


Oct 27 10 - 4:32pm

I thought college was where you went to HAVE sex?