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Diane Lane to join the cast of the new Superman

Diane Lane

Warner Bros' Superman reboot continues to fill out with the addition of Diane Lane. Lane will play Martha Kent, Clark's mom, in the coming Zack Snyder flick. After the success of 300 and the relative failure of Watchmen, Snyder takes aim at reviving the floundering Man of Steel franchise. According to him, Lane is an essential piece to the puzzle. The more-than-excited director said:

"This was a very important piece of casting for me because Martha Kent is the woman whose values helped shape the man we know as Superman. We are thrilled to have Diane in the role because she can convey the wisdom and the wonder of a woman whose son has powers beyond her imagination."

I think what he meant was, "We needed someone hot who is old enough." At least, that's how I read it. Either way, mission accomplished! Diane Lane is easily the most attractive Mrs. Kent in recent memory. Now, all we have to do is get Zack to lay off the slow-motion a little bit.

Comments ( 2 )

Mar 03 11 at 10:59 pm

Dina Lane is a woman who keeps on getting more beautiful.

Mar 03 11 at 11:15 pm

I would do weird sexual stuff to her. Not "disgusting weird", just "wow, people are into THAT? weird".

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