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Director Lars von Trier is infamous for putting his leading ladies through the wringer during film shoots — just think of Bjork, who starred in his Dancer In The Dark and actually swore off acting after her experience with him. So it's only natural that everyone wondered just how hard he went on Kirsten Dunst during the making of Melancholia, especially considering Dunst's previous roles involved such emotionally devastating tasks as playing a perky cheerleader and lounging around Versailles in impossibly beautiful clothing.

But according to von Trier in an interview with Empire, she dodged a bullet:

“I think that Kirsten got off FAR too easy. FAR too easy,” he laughs. “She was not dragged through any masturbation. She had a very smooth ride, I would say. But she did an extremely good job.”

It's amazing how there is nothing even the slightest bit erotic about the phrase "dragged through masturbation," isn't it? Von Trier also goes on to say that the new film will expose audiences to his more "romantic" side, in the sense that everyone in the film is going to die. See, everyone? The end of the world doesn't have to be so freaking depressing.

Commentarium (25 Comments)

Apr 19 11 - 8:58am
Non Smoker

The reason is she couldn't pull off masturbating with any believability. I imagine that when she opens her legs, out shoot shards of icicles.

Apr 19 11 - 11:15am

I'm always a little surprised by how much misogyny I find in the comments on Hooksexup.

Apr 19 11 - 2:53pm

I'm not surprised anymore. I continue to be disgusted, but surprise wears off after a while.

Apr 19 11 - 3:30pm

Don't give up, you guys! Take back the comments section! I'll be behind you 100%.

Apr 19 11 - 3:47pm
mr. man

who can be sure the original poster is a guy? i've seen women take down other women (verbally) just as hard as men take down women.

Apr 19 11 - 4:14pm

No one ever said the op was a man--women can absolutely be misogynists.

Apr 19 11 - 5:58pm
Andre Ramos

all we know.. is that its a non smoker ? ahahah how did no one infer some fallacy with that yet ?

Apr 19 11 - 7:45pm
Non Smoker

I'm not suprised that people read into various comments what they want to see. Mine was intending to speak to a coldness I personally feel emanating off said actress, which is something that I find at odds with the implied heat of sexual passion (aka masturbation), hence the imagery I proffered. I'd have made the same kind of comment (adjusted for genital differences) about any such male actor given the same conflation of circumstances. You can take me to task for my perceptions of coldness of her as an individual, but to assert misogyny leaves the perceptual problem not at the door of my mind.

Apr 20 11 - 6:22am

I wouldn't myself call her cold, but I do think she's a little "off" in some way. And certainly not hot.

Apr 20 11 - 9:00am

I'm always a little surprised when not liking one person who happens to be a woman is called misogyny.

I don't like Tom Cruise, but that doesn't make me a misandrist.

Apr 20 11 - 11:43am

@KingPellinore: If you made a non-sequitur criticism of Mr. Cruise by way of his dick, I think it might.

Apr 20 11 - 12:51pm

Suppose I criticize Dunst's performance in "Dick." What does that make me? [Now let's see what y'all can do with *that* straight line.]

I've always thought she was kinda cute -- the teeth humanize her.

Apr 20 11 - 3:00pm


The article was already dealing with the subject of masturbation. Any reference to genitalia would certainly not be non sequitur. I could say, "Tom Cruise probably can't get it up without being hooked up to an E-Meter." or that he shouts, "Go little thetans, go!" every time he climaxes, but it wouldn't be misandrist.

Besides, the comment about icicles and vaginas is just a comment on how dispassionate an actress Ms. Dunst tends to be. As a better comparison, if I said "Dane Cook could probably masturbate for Von Trier, but it would take too long and would be completely unoriginal." I wouldn't be making a statement against men, but against Dane Cook. Likewise with the above statement against Kirsten Dunst. It isn't anti-woman. It's anti-Dunst.

May 08 11 - 10:03pm
Golly Gump

I hate all freakin' people! I suppose that makes me a misogynist in your books?

Apr 19 11 - 12:51pm
Vinegar Bend

Von Trier makes some of the worst and most unwatchable movies around. How odd that he has any admirers.

Apr 19 11 - 1:26pm

"Lars Von Trier" must translate to English as "creepy."

Apr 19 11 - 2:47pm
mr. man

i like dunst. i think her acting is very good. von trier is tough to comment on. aspects of his movies are painful and terrible, but often truthful in their representation of human nature. it's not for everyone, but sometimes a respite from the constant Hollywood fakery if you can handle it, or want to.

Apr 19 11 - 4:22pm

I find von Trier so hard to pin down. I swore I was done with his films after Antichrist, which -- genital mutilation or no -- I was just not feeling. But Melancholia looks beautiful; I feel like I can't not check it out.

Apr 19 11 - 5:55pm

JBR: I'm very glad to hear, for your sake, that you are not feeling any genital mutilation. That would be very, very painful, I would imagine.

Apr 19 11 - 6:02pm
Andre Ramos

I think his undeniably a good director.. But most of his movies are made with some intent to displease. the only thing in common between Riget and The idiots, is that fact that its well crafted ( those two to me are two very diferente works, thats why i used them as examples).
The five obstructions is interesting to see if you want a gander of how he probably is as director. Since most of that documentary is him tormenting another director ( that he admires)

Apr 19 11 - 8:48pm

If von Trier utilizes the ice queen / dead gaze schtick that Ms. Dunst has perfected, then it's a match.

Apr 20 11 - 7:02pm
Edward SF

I saw "Dancer in the Dark" on the big screen and with all the herky-jerky camera movements I actually went to the restroom and threw up. Did love Bjork's performance though....

Apr 20 11 - 9:35pm

Dancer in the Dark: YES!
The Idiots: NO!
Breaking the Waves: YES!
Antichrist: NO!
Melancholia: I have a feeling it will be a YES! Lars Von Trier's work is 50/50 for me, but I have a good feeling about this one, largely because I love KiKi.

Apr 24 11 - 3:42am

kirsten owned the teen market growing up and whether or not her films are any good, i believe she has never failed a performance. its exciting to watch her move into adult roles and along with her fascinating turn in 'all good things' i cant wait to see what von trier gets out of her

Apr 24 11 - 3:42am

kirsten owned the teen market growing up and whether or not her films are any good, i believe she has never failed a performance. its exciting to watch her move into adult roles and along with her fascinating turn in 'all good things' i cant wait to see what von trier gets out of her

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