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Joss Whedon's forthcoming Marvel superhero flick has something for pretty much everyone, whether you're a fan of Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Chris Evans (Captain America), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), or impossible-to-work-with nightmare Ed Norton Mark Ruffalo (The Incredible Goddamn Hulk).

In this just-released trailer, the Avengers assemble to beat the crap out of each other. Apparently they don't get along at first — who saw that coming? — but later unite to battle Loki and some kind of flying robotic monster. It looks cool enough, and the team-up (despite possibly being an overstuffed mess) is a welcome relief from an endless parade of superhero prequels and reboots.

In other words, it's just a matter of time until we get Avengers: The Prequel Reboot. Enjoy this cast while you can.

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Feb 29 12 - 3:48pm

And then after the fight, they shower together.....

Feb 29 12 - 5:14pm

Hellz to the yeah!

Mar 01 12 - 3:48am

Dammit every time I hit a headline about this comic book based crap I get excited thinking they are going to remake the old British TV series. Young guys nowadays have MILFs; we had Diana Rigg in black leather.

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