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It's always been accepted that the largest films the United States has to offer are usually blockbusters starring either Will Smith or, God forbid, Shia LaBoeuf. Should we get tired of exploding car-robots, we could always turn to England for films of a less mind-numbing nature. But today, Pinewood Studios, Britain's major film-production company, is being chastised by Prime Minister David Cameron for being so bloody indie-oriented. And if, like me, you're wondering why politicos are getting involved, it's because a large number of British films are backed by government financing. (On this note, America's film industry requires no financial intervention from the government, so what's our excuse for mediocrity? Oh, right: Michael Bay.)

The British Film Commission is taking the prime minister's recommendations to heart in an effort to create a more competitive industry (a.k.a. appealing to a mass market to generate more revenue). The plan to revamp the distinctive independent vibe of British cinema comes, ironically, in the wake of a highly prosperous year, including a coup for The King's Speech, which became the highest-grossing indie film in England's history.

The Film Policy Review, chaired by Lord Chris Smith, will supposedly determine what the demands of British filmgoers are. According to Smith, the objective of the review is to get a vast consensus as "filmmakers, distributors, audiences and experts can all offer a useful perspective on how government policy can help our film industry grow.” Similar to the democratic voting process, it sounds like a good idea on paper to get everyone involved, but will more than likely result in disagreements, ineptitude, and British explosion-porn starring Kenneth Branagh.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Jan 11 12 - 11:56am

The King's Speech, a film mostly ignored and marginalized until late in the Oscar game and funded by the now-nonexistent UK Film Council (recently disbanded by none other than David Cameron himself)? Yes, if only all British films could follow that simple and illustrious path to success. Cameron is his own worst enemy here. Bring back the UK Film Council you idiot. Maybe then 1/100 of its projects will go on to be the next King's Speech as opposed to the ~1/500 chance of success you have right now without it.

Jan 12 12 - 7:45am

hear hear. agreed fully

Jan 11 12 - 1:38pm

Genna Rivieccio, or whoever the hell you sare, are you mad because people love the Michael Bay films and make them successful? Yeah, clearly, you are. Do the world a favor and don't try to act smart and "cool" by bashing a person who, unlike you, has actually achieved something in his life and many people around the world appreciate his work.

Got it, insignificant blogger? You understand what I'm saying?

Jan 11 12 - 4:43pm

Michael? Is that you?

Jan 11 12 - 5:52pm

Nope, just a guy who's actually able to see the big picture. And a guy who 's not living on the internet. A guy who works at a theater and sees first-hand how ordinary people truly enjoy the Michael Bay films. A guy who's also a huge Michael Bay fan. Been a fan for more than 15 years.

And you are?

Jan 11 12 - 8:38pm

not raging on the internet

Jan 11 12 - 8:53pm
l'Aigle, eblick

Bay serves the machine. For that alone her deserves unending derision. How well he does it, is another matter.

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