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It's pretty well accepted that Tom Cruise is not the box-office draw he once was. He's obviously still a star — to paraphrase the advice Gwyneth Paltrow gave Courtney Love, once you're A-list, you're always A-list, even if you go crazy — but he just doesn't have quite the cachet he once did. Which is probably why the newest Mission: Impossible film seems to focus less on his character, Ethan Hunt, following as well his team of suddenly burned operatives. Thanks to that, some of the burden is taken off Cruise and placed on the shoulders of quite likeable co-stars Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Josh Holloway, and Paula Patton:

And thus, Renner begins to reap the rewards of his star-making turn in The Hurt Locker in earnest, and will continue with The Avengers and the next installment of the Bourne series. But almost as exciting is the casting of Pegg, who never really fails to make the most of his roles even when the film itself isn't quite up to snuff.

So, will these actor additions be enough for you to give the franchise another chance? If not, there's one more thing that might get your attention — the film marks the live-action debut of Pixar genius Brad Bird.

Comment ( 1 )

Jun 29 11 at 6:27 pm

Wasn't being "disavowed" the plot of an earlier installment? And is Jeremy Renner simply the new Henry Czerny? This looks awful, though if Brad Bird is involved, it makes me wonder if appearances are deceiving.

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