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New Year's Eve is director Garry Marshall's follow-up to 2010's Valentine's Day, a movie that followed its cast of millions around L.A. on the titular day and drove one blogger to binge on McDonald's chicken nuggets. Many found the film to be overly complex, subtle as a cannonball to the heart, and stuffed to the brim with characters the audience barely gets to know. Critics pretty much savaged it.

The philosophy behind New Year's Eve — which switches the setting to New York and the date to, well, duh — seems to be, if it is broke, don't fix it! Because the first trailer for the film makes the two seem like almost literally the same film. They even share some cast, which is understandable, as there are only so many people in Hollywood. But maybe we can turn it into a fun game: can you spot every famous person before the credit sequence that takes up almost a quarter of the trailer's running time?

<a data-cke-saved-href='' href='' target='_new' title=''New Year's Eve' movie trailer' >Video: 'New Year's Eve' movie trailer</a>

Okay, I missed Abigail Breslin, Ludacris, and Robert DeNiro. (But only because I don't think the latter was even in it until that point.) New Year's Eve hits theaters December 9; God help us all.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Jul 27 11 - 10:58am
Tender Umbrella


Jul 28 11 - 12:04pm

I think casting like this happens with the secret hope that one of the "stars" dies in a tragic fashion, increasing the revenues.

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