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Watch: Trailer for Atlas Shrugged

"What is wrong with this world?" asks a character in the trailer for the upcoming movie adaptation of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

The answer is easy: not enough trains! The movie decided to bring the story to the twenty-first century while keeping the whole railroad plot intact. Which I guess makes sense — trains are reliably cinematic, though there are probably much better symbols of capitalist industry around these days ("Who is Steve Jobs?"). Still, Atlas the book is about trains and John Galt and not caring about anybody but yourself, so this is what we end up with:

And that's only Part One! Can't wait to see the lines of people dressed up as their favorite Objectivist at this movie's midnight screening.

Tags Ayn Rand

Commentarium (26 Comments)

Feb 12 11 - 7:40pm

This looks awful. The actress playing Dagney doesn't have the gravitas needed to portray the character as written by Rand.

Feb 12 11 - 7:50pm

I'm so glad that the trailer stays true to the book in the sense that there are no little people shown, like the workers who manufacture the steel and lay the tracks or the customers that actually pay the money required to keep companies afloat.

Feb 13 11 - 5:31am

Also in the sense that all of the dialogue is clunky as shit and/or embarrassingly on the nose. I have to say, I was worried they wouldn't do her justice, but it looks like they nailed it.

Feb 14 11 - 12:42pm

Also not shown are all the little people who bleed and die to create a world in which it is safe to be a "brilliant business genius".

Feb 12 11 - 8:14pm

Rand uses a story line and a plot used as tools to show the correctness of her personal philosophy. Enjoying Rand's books or watching this movie does not mean you have to agree with her. I was a huge fan of her writing in high school; sure she's a huge dick and the expose made me into a kind of narc-y jerk, but people have been making way too much of a fuss about her since those tea party idiots appeared.

Feb 12 11 - 10:43pm

Crap. Delivering egoism on a silver screen to the masses who couldn't get through the book.

This better not sway popular culture too much...

Feb 12 11 - 11:06pm

Hey, even Libertarians need something to jerk off to.

Feb 18 11 - 2:53am

Nice ad hominem, care to try another tactic?

Feb 12 11 - 11:17pm

People who think Rand's heros are only interested in making money are DEAD WRONG. In Atlas Shrugged, Rand clearly explains that capitalism is about trading value for value and profiting from it. In other words, money is the reward for providing a quality good or needed service. These days the pursuit of money has become an end unto itself and providing goods or services is, at best, an inconvenience along the way. Today's masters of "capitalism" would much rather just make money from money and never dirty their hands with providing anything of value. Rand would have rightfully called them looters.

Feb 13 11 - 2:57am

"Looters" are the end product of unregulated capitalism. Welcome to the plutocracy.

Feb 13 11 - 3:16am

jr- are you implying that American ever had unregulated capitalism? It hasn't.

Feb 13 11 - 3:48am

I suppose the current recession is just a figment of our collective imaginations then...

Feb 13 11 - 7:25pm

Jr, your argument is flawed. The link between your premise, we have unregulated capitalism (which is you know, just false), and your conclusion, we are in a recession (legit), is nonexistent. How do you expect to prove that among the hundreds of variables in any economic situation that unregulated capitalism is the cause of the recession? Sometimes you have to stop and ask, "Wait... does this connection make sense?" You obviously didn't do that, because yours did not.

Feb 13 11 - 10:16pm

R, your argument is flawed. The link between your premise that I claimed all capitalism is unregulated (false) and your conclusion that I didn't think about what I wrote (false) is nonexistent. Plus, it's not going out on a limb to blame deregulation as a major force driving the recession: I didn't say it was the only factor either. Regardless, Libertarians appears to ignore the trappings of greed almost as much as Communists ignores the trappings of laziness. It doesn't have to be black and white…there is a middle ground.

Feb 18 11 - 2:57am

jr chooses to ignore the complicit hand of government incentives, moral hazard problems, and the nonsense of the Federal reserve as complicit in the problem. Is all-consuming greed a problem? Sure, but it's only a problem when unmitigated by risk.

Feb 13 11 - 12:22am
G Unit

I wish they made it a period piece. I hope it doesn't suck, since it's been it's been taking forever to get made.

Feb 13 11 - 10:44am
John Galt

You'll all be my looter bitches when I'm done screwing you... Much love, John

Feb 13 11 - 2:07pm

Make it "insufficiently regulated" and you have it.

Feb 13 11 - 2:10pm

This looks awful. The only names I recognize in the cast are the guy who played Big Love on House and the Italian cop who killed himself early in the run of Homicide: Life on the Streets. The answer to "Who is John Galt?" is "Who cares?"

Feb 14 11 - 9:35am

I'm sorry, but wasn't this already done in Silver Streak, Runaway Train, Unstoppable and Back To The Future III? Ho hum.

Feb 14 11 - 10:39am

This looks pretty damned horrible. I only recognized one actor, and he's a B actor.

Feb 14 11 - 12:31pm

I hope no one is equating "recognizable actors" with "watchable movie." I for one am sick of seeing the same faces over and over, as if there are only four actors in all the Ameircas.

Feb 14 11 - 12:37pm

More evidence that effective agit-prop doesn't need to be good art.

Feb 14 11 - 5:28pm
Calling It Out

The acting is wooden (Deadpan Chick, "I'll destroy you") and the shots look like they belong in a 'Left Behind' movie. Who's John Galt? Kirk Cameron.

Rand's story & philosophy has been misconstrued as of late by the Tea Party for their means (no! would they!?).

That being said, there is overlap with these demographics. Money on a Glenn Beck rally to fill the theaters (wait is this actually getting a release or straight-to-dvd).

Feb 14 11 - 6:37pm

I'll tell you what's wrong with it: too many damned libertarians. They whine about "unregulated capitalism" as some universal panacea that's never been tried, like 70's Trotskyites claiming the same for "pure socialism". Bores, the lot of them.

Feb 18 11 - 3:00am

Yeah ... we're the intellectually bankrupt ones. I've got Mises, Hayek, and Friedman, and that's just for starters. Who have you got? Keynes, Krugman?

Progressives, fascists, the lot of them.

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