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Watch: Muppets rock out in LCD Soundsystem video


With LCD Soundsystem on the cusp of calling it quits until the inevitable reunion twenty years from now, enjoy this unofficial, fan-created video by Javier Douglas for "Dance Yrself Clean," off swan-song album, This Is Happening. It features the Muppets performing a rooftop concert a la the Beatles or U2 for amused spectators in Brighton, England. (Senator Jim DeMint is probably not among them, suspecting some kind of liberal conspiracy. )

The video continues the Muppet theme begun by a previous fan-made video that starred Kermit the Frog lip-synching the words to "New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down." The Muppets go hard in this one, with Miss Piggy probably suffering whiplash and Cookie Monster and Animal most likely in need of coffee and aspirin the following day.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Feb 24 11 - 9:42pm

I thought I couldn't love LCD anymore. I was wrong. LOVE.

Feb 25 11 - 6:38am

Meh, I knew about LCD Soundsystem when they were just CD Soundsystem.
Too mainstream now....

-sarcasm- you fools.

Now you say something

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