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3 reasons you shouldn't see the Charlie Sheen live show

Charlie Sheen's live show, the Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option tour, made it to New York City this weekend and, much like it did on its opening night in Detroit, bombed like an F-16. But! Despite the dismal cloud of desperation that follows this event from city to city, Radio City was packed to capacity. So now I present to you — in case you start thinking that you too would like to witness Sheen's new act firsthand — the three reasons why you should never, ever see his live show.

It Has No Redeeming Cultural Value: No, I haven't seen the show, but let's not kid ourselves, shall we? We're grownups here and we all know what's waiting for us inside the violent tornado. Sheen's epic meltdown would have garnered nowhere near the attention it did if his rants weren't chock-a-block with internet-ready phrases like "winning" and "tiger blood" and "Vatican assassin warlock," but those are the tiny specks of gold we've panned out of piles of river muck. Even if Sheen left the rest of the crap behind, for how long could you listen to those phrases over and over before ripping off your own ears? Can you do it for an hour? Because that's how long the show is, give or take.

Of course, Sheen doesn't do that. He's giving you the full treatment, all the stuff you forgot right after you read it because it was boring or crazy in a boring way. Hollywood conspiracy theories? Weird references to certain people's very Jewish birth names? They're all there, and it's all crap. I beg of anyone thinking of going — read or watch literally anything else. Watch Wipeout. Read Garfield. I never thought I'd saw this, but: have you tried checking out that Two and a Half Men show I've heard so much about?

It's Bad To Cheer Him On: For obvious reasons, but let's be clear about this: Charlie Sheen is going through something very, very bad right now. I don't know him and I'm not a professional anything (shocker, right?), but it is very obvious to almost anyone that he is descending into serious drug abuse or mental illness. ("But maybe he knows what he's doing and it's, like, a performance piece, James!" No. He lost his job. People don't abandon ridiculously overpaid jobs just so they can scream nonsensical things on the radio for "big laffs.") Does that really sound like the sort of thing massive crowds should be showing up to support?

And even if they don't cheer — and, to be sure, lots of them don't — they're still buying shirts that say "Winning" or hot pants that say "Goddess." And, you know, paying for tickets. Maybe it's all ironic on the part of the audience members, but Lincoln, Jackson, and Grant are just shit at irony. It's not our job to get him whatever kind of help he needs, of course. That's the responsibility of people who actually, you know, know him. But maybe we shouldn't be buying tickets to see the spectacle?

It's Even Worse To Boo Him: And this, in the end, is really why you shouldn't see the show. The NYC crowd waited about twenty minutes before they turned on Sheen, shouting out jeers and catcalls because of... what, exactly? Because the show was a confused and incoherent mess? What were you expecting? Charlie Sheen is not the fucking Rockettes, people! He doesn't practice his routine from eight in the morning until nine at night just to make sure he nails that final combination.

You want to boo at a clearly troubled man because he wasn't as entertaining as you hoped he would be? Here's a tip: find a tricked out DeLorean, go back in time to Victorian England, and pay an orderly/doctor to take you on a tour around an asylum. No one will judge you there!

In conclusion: cut it out, everyone. It's just getting kind of gross.

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Apr 11 11 - 2:06pm

I completely agree with you. When I read about the NYC show my first thought was, what the hell did these people expect when they bought a ticket. They clearly wanted to be in the 'freak show' but then were disappointed when the show wasn't slick enough? Ummmm hello, as you so rightly say, Charlie Sheen is clearly not well, for what ever reason. If you bought a ticket to see that, then maybe you should have sat quietly and watched the show as a punishment for buying a ticket in the first place.


Apr 11 11 - 2:13pm
G Unit


Apr 11 11 - 3:10pm

I thought the exact same thing when I first heard the announcement about his live show.


Back to bangin' 30 gram rocks

Apr 11 11 - 3:28pm

And everything you participate in has a redeeming cultural value?

Everything you write has redeeming cultural value?

Your entire life is about improving the culture?

Well I bow to you Jame Brady Ryan.

Apr 11 11 - 3:54pm

Well, first of all, it's James.

But as to your main question: my bar for "redeeming cultural value" is shockingly low. I mean, I have songs by Ace of Base on my iPod, and that's pretty terrible. But the boring and incomprehensible rantings of a guy with some serious issues? Yeah, I don't think it clears the bar.

Apr 11 11 - 5:26pm

Now you're on about spelling, the day y'all nail it every time you can comment on that as well.

Apr 11 11 - 3:34pm

Can't disagree with that.

Apr 11 11 - 5:37pm

You want to boo him for an expectantly bad show but you're ok enough with the serial domestic abuse and lack of interest in getting it together for his kids to buy a ticket to see him boast about all this? I don't know who to hate more.

Apr 11 11 - 5:51pm

Three? You only need one: Chuck Sheen.

Apr 11 11 - 11:49pm

I don't understand why anyone would want to see it. It's not "historic." Disintegrating disasters aren't amusing.

Nov 03 11 - 7:02pm

YEAH most of you seem to like THE FAG new replacement of Charlie On two ina half GAYS lol i wont watch it untill MR. sheen is back

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