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Howard Stern

Last night, Jay Leno took one on the chin (couldn't help myself) in the form of a jab from radio legend, Howard Stern. On the second night of Piers Morgan's new CNN interview show,  Morgan and Stern joked lightly about Piers being relatively unknown in America and Howard's dubious status as "King of All Media." When Leno came up, though, Stern got pretty worked up, calling the late-night host out on many a front. 

During his impassioned Leno rant, Stern called him insane and accused him of stealing "a tremendous amount of material." Both of which, especially the latter, are serious claims against a long-time comedian. Stealing jokes, I would imagine, is the cardinal sin among stand-ups.  Stern's shit-slinging fest went one step further when he said that Leno "is not fit to scrub David Letterman's feet." That's pretty harsh, seeing as Jay beats Letterman in terms of ratings (a stat Stern attributed to dumb viewers).

Howard Stern can always be counted on to say exactly what's on his mind, but why does he feel so passionately about this? Is there some kind of history between him and the Big-Chinned One? Hopefully. I'm praying this somehow spirals out of control, and the two start a war via their respective shows that ends in fisticuffs. Nothing would be funnier than a headline that reads "Howard Stern Breaks Hand on Leno's Chin."

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Jan 19 11 - 3:14pm

Obviously you're not a Stern listener. Stern has publicly hated Leno for years. The statements on Piers Morgan last night just echoed statements Stern has been making years on his radio show. It stems from a bunch of reasons, but the biggies are "stealing" bits (especially Jay-Walking), and taking former Stern staffer Stuttering John.

Jan 19 11 - 6:13pm

Stern is still on?

Jan 19 11 - 8:31pm

I love Howard taking Jay to task, he deserves all of it.

Jan 20 11 - 4:48pm

Howard rocks and Jay did steal bits from him. Btw, he has millions of listeners and his interviews are amazing and regularly provide breaking celeb news.

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