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A-List cast members

Like all right-thinking people, when my TV-viewing pleasure is interrupted by reality shows based on the lives of shallow, well-heeled women who think they're in charge, I think "Why can't this show extend to all demographics?"

Logo, the channel for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, will debut The A-List, its own reality version about material obsessed, whom, without a doubt, exists in the gay community, but maybe a channel that trumpets gay equality would think wise not to touch. On the other hand, if every other channel has its own version of this show, why can't Logo.

A guy from The Awl says the show is not  "an 'interesting documentary look' at how some people are classist shitheels, or at 'the way we live now' (which is apparently in a pit of shallowness and degradation)", which is funny. But, no reality show is going to take "an interesting documentary look" at classist shitheels. It is going to take a fun look at classist shitheels, which in turn will make the viewer feel slightly less awful about not having things.

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Commentarium (1 Comment)

Sep 02 10 - 12:28am

i can't wait for this dumb ass show!!!!!!!!!!

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