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Check out Modern Family recut as a horror movie

Modern Family's Alex Dunphy as a lesbian serial killer? Thanks to the twisted imagination of YouTube user Trevorama, Ariel Winter's character is transformed into evil incarnate, as the show is remixed into a horror-movie trailer that calls to mind films like The Bad Seed, Carrie, Single White Female, and Monster

We all know what loner kids who kill animals grow up to be, and here, smart middle child Alex (who could be Lisa Simpson if you scratched the teasing and swapped the cello for a sax) is portrayed as someone whose dark side is pretty transparent. (Which doesn't bode well for younger brother Luke.)

The recut Modern Family horror trailer is the opposite of the classic recut Shining trailer, which became a light, heartstring-pulling flick courtesy of Peter Gabriel. It goes to show that when it comes to context, editing and music are all. President Obama said that Modern Family is his favorite TV show to watch with his family, but this new version (whose tension-building goes on so long it almost reverts back to comedy) is definitely not Sasha-and-Malia-friendly.



Commentarium (1 Comment)

Jan 01 12 - 6:29am

I always had a feeling about that one! Great stuff.