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Cleavage Girl Santa Claus

Winter Michelle is a blogger and a minor internet celebrity hailed by Playboy's The Smoking Jacket as "Cleavage Girl". Recently, Cleavage Girl got herself into an awful little traffic accident and, since she was foolishly texting while driving, the judge sentenced her to community service and slapped her with a $2,500 fine. But poor Cleavage Girl could not pay for all this, and so she faces a jail sentence instead.

So, seeing that she is, in fact, Cleavage Girl, Winter Michelle put forth an (internet) proposition:

I lost my car... my job, and soon-to-be.. my freedom. I am not going to get into details, but I went to court and in order for me to stay out of jail I have to pay fines up the ass and do a ton of community service. I started the "Keep Winter Out of Jail" fundraiser hoping that you nice people might be able to donate to help me out. A dollar here and there will really add up! I am looking for work, but it's so hard without a car. And I can't get a new car without a job to pay for it! It's a vicious cycle and I desperately need some help. I don't want to get raped in jail :(

She also hit upon another gimmick to reward people who shell out:

  • 1.00 - $25.00 will get you a brief video in which I will state your names and how much you donated and a big fat "Thaaaank youuuu!" These names will all be massed into 1 video. 
  • $26.00 - $50.00 will get you a personal video...
  • $51.00 - $100.00 will get you a slightly more "risque" video and a small photoset. 
  • $101+ will get you all of the above and a private chat with me on a messenger of your choosing..

Is this the way the internet is going to go? Models pimping their images over the internet?

Winter Cleavage Girl sexy photo

Commentarium (27 Comments)

Oct 20 10 - 12:48pm

First I think we need to acknowledge that she is not a model. She is an average looking woman with an enormous rack who exploits said enormous rack for attention--which is the way the internet has been. For years. Also, wow. Wow.

Oct 20 10 - 1:23pm

She has a pretty face, but I'm thinking that a better use for the money she collects would be to fund a make-up makeover and breast reduction surgery. THEN I'd pony up.

Feb 23 11 - 7:14pm

Breast reduction!? That's like slapping God in the face.

Mar 04 11 - 4:43am
Demon X

Twolane what dumbass name for a fag!

Oct 20 10 - 1:37pm

Yes they are impressive, but why does every single picture of her look like a mugshot? I can only guess that the next fundraiser will be for fixing her teeth.

Mar 04 11 - 4:42am
Demon X

How do you know she has bad teeth stupid dumbass!

Oct 20 10 - 1:37pm

she should rethink her pricing. Who's going to pay $50 for personal video, when $51 will get them a "risque" video. Likewise, who would pay $100 to just get the risque video, when they can get everything she's offering for $101.

Oh yeah, and I think she's pretty smoking hot (although here makeup in the santa pic is horrible).

Oct 20 10 - 2:10pm

Hooters isn't hiring?

Oct 20 10 - 2:17pm

Thanks, now I can enjoy her rack without shelling out one red cent!

Oct 20 10 - 2:40pm

Fired for being in a traffic accident? What job did she used to have?

Oct 20 10 - 2:57pm

@dryver: she claims that without a car she can't drive to work, which is why she was fired. Not sure why she can't just get on a camera at home to show her boobage.

Oct 20 10 - 4:00pm

Lesson not learned apparently. Bitch texted while driving putting other people in harm's way. I think she should do the time.

Oct 20 10 - 5:59pm
O Show

How Much Can We Pay you to keep you for a motorboat!?

Oct 20 10 - 6:27pm

/motorboat signed

Oct 20 10 - 6:37pm

"Is this the way the internet is going to go? Models pimping their images over the internet? "

going to go? We've had cam whores since about 1996

Oct 20 10 - 8:44pm

She understands the internets, I'll give her that. Nothing lonely internet nerds like more than thinking a woman somewhere might like them.

Oct 20 10 - 9:14pm
incredulous much trouble just so she doesnt have to deliver the goods to whatever guy is offering to pay all the bills....and you know this girl has offers every day.....amazing show them, men offer, PICK ONE.

Oct 20 10 - 11:14pm

" Is this the way the internet is going to go? Models pimping their images over the internet? "

Ummm SUICIDEGIRLS, anyone? During the brief time I modeled for that site, I had an amazon wishlist and received several books and DVDs. I knew other girls who were sent a myriad of expensive things, including flat screen TVs!

I'm not super proud that I whored myself out for criterion collection DVDs, but it's amazing what people (mostly guys) will do just to get a modicum of attention from a naked girl on the internet.

Oct 20 10 - 11:20pm

@ WTF? "Hooters isn't hiring?" Haha nice!

Oct 21 10 - 8:25am

....face? What face?

Dec 12 10 - 5:39pm
gg allin

seen some of the pics,, and think she needs to hire a maid to clean her home!!!!!and personally she isnt the Hottest!!! and she needs to take some driving lessons and stop all the silly texting while driving and throw her cell out the door!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 12 11 - 2:15pm

Hey Winter, Next time you're going to take pics in your room, Clean up the dirty clothes first!

Feb 24 11 - 11:58pm

I THOUGHT THIS WAS ABOUT ME AND NEARLY HAD A STROKE CLICKING ON IT. I also am doing the same thing on a camsite to pay for traffic tickets totaling up to about $3,000.

Mar 02 11 - 12:28pm

She should've used the money she spent on getting the fake boobs to pay the fine instead....

Mar 04 11 - 4:44am
Demon X

Those are her real breast dumbass!

Mar 03 11 - 11:31am

Where is her blog ?

Dec 27 11 - 12:35am

This chick facebooked me... she is a scammer, i feel sorry for her!
I think she needs to check her morals.