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Barack Obama

"Deny, deny, deny" may work when you're trying to explain the toilet overflow at work, but, trust me, no matter how many times you try to assert that calling Obama a monkey isn't racist (I'm looking at you Republican officials), you're wrong. Sometimes, when you're standing ankle-deep in shitty water, you have to 'fess up.

James O'Keefe (the guy who went to ACORN dressed as a pimp asshole, if you'd forgotten) is back at it again. But this time, he's singing and dancing. Now, the singing and dancing comes after three minutes of news clips about him, I'm serious. He is singing and dancing, in a construction worker's uniform, under a disco ball. Is there a Michael Jackson car-smash breakdown? You know it.

It wouldn't be Weed Christmas without a few pot-friendly lists. Here is a list of brilliant ideas written on the back of Wendy's napkins. Don't act like you haven't taken a couple "red eye" flights to Wendy's for some spicy chicken nuggets and discovered the solution for global poverty. You know you have.

Speaking of weed and ensemble dance numbers: take a look at comedy duo Garfunkel and Oates' ode to medical marijuana. It turns out that this is pretty educational. I didn't know my TMJ would come so in handy someday. 

Commentarium (14 Comments)

Apr 20 11 - 8:59pm

How does denying it "explain" a toilet overflow, at work or anywhere else?

Seriously, does anyone proofread this stuff?

Apr 20 11 - 10:27pm

As in, "I am denying that I am the one who took a massive shit and clogged up the plumbing." It's not that far of a jump.

Apr 21 11 - 9:21am

Prose worthy of Shakespeare. By that, of course, I mean Bob Shakespeare, truck driver and weekend binge drinker. Still denying the event above doesn't explain it, does it? How about "disclaim?"

Apr 20 11 - 10:58pm
boson Higgs

Saying bad things about Democrats is ALWAYS Racist !!!
( Because, you know, Bush really was a "chimp!")

Apr 21 11 - 12:06am

I was just gonna point out, Bush genuinely did look chimp like, with a small head, small eyes and giant ears. That said, Obama resembles him a lot, just darker with a smaller nose. I could totally see the chimp comparison without bringing any race shit into it. Any non-human, non-chimp comparisons (ape or monkey or whatever) is bullshit, though.

I know the intent matters, and they intend it to be a racist thing. But he still is chimp like, similar to Bush.

Apr 21 11 - 10:19am

Intent matters in terms of degree, not in terms of the injury. If you get run down by a driver talking on his cell phone, you're just as dead as if someone aims his car right at you and hits the accelerator.

In this case, the trope of "black people are like monkeys, i.e., less than human" is a very old one. Anyone who is "unaware" of it is ignorant to the point of willfulness. It is a trope as well known as other racist lies, such as, Judah, that Jews drink the blood of Christian babies at Passover.

Depicting Bush as a chimp is not racist because there is no history of connecting white, Protestant, oil millionaires with less-than-human animals or of oppressing them with such a connection. Depicting Obama as a chimp ir racist, period. All of the "birther" and Muslim nonsense thrown at Obama is racist, period. I don't know the person who propagated this photo. I'm willing to believe that her racism is so deeply ingrained that she is unaware of it. Nonetheless, what she did is racist, and it is her fault for being so profoundly ignorant of history and so profoundly un-self-aware.

If any of the commenters here are actually people of good faith and not simply trolls, you need to stop until you understand why analogizing any black person to a monkey is racist. Really. Go read up on the history of how blacks have been depicted in America. You'll see, and you'll feel really badly that you didn't get this before, but you'll feel good that you get it now.

Apr 21 11 - 10:42am

Profrobert, you help me get up in the morning. Thank you.

Apr 21 11 - 2:07pm

Thanks, profrobert. Well said.

Apr 21 11 - 4:52pm

So depicting Bush as a chimp does not lessen the injury but, according to you, just the "degree of the intent?" After all, he is injured precisely as much as any American of African descent, correct? Or is it that intent really does matter?

Additionally, could you please explain why the slander/libel regarding Passover is racist? Do the Jewish people of the world constitute a racial group? Could you please elaborate? I understand - and I have standing here - that Judaism is present in every racial group.

For the record, I do believe that equating an American of African descent is, prima facie, evidence of racism.

You can consider this trolling if you like but there's a very real danger to group think.

Apr 22 11 - 8:51am

" Depicting Obama as a chimp ir racist, period. All of the "birther" and Muslim nonsense thrown at Obama is racist, period. "

I was going to argue but when a "professor of the law" puts the word "period" at the end of a sentence, it's impossible. Damn it, foiled by superior rhetorical skills.

The entire post was nonsensical, period.

Apr 21 11 - 9:08am

Scientifically speaking, most primates (e.g. chimpanzees) have light-colored skin. It's their hair that makes them look dark. So if Obama was covered head-to-toe in thick black hair, then yeah, he'd be like a monkey.

Apr 21 11 - 9:18am

By the author's reasoning, suggesting that Obama and chimps are both primates is racist. You should be ashamed of yourself, Moops.

Apr 21 11 - 3:09pm

Why do we have to compare any president to a monkey? Why can't we be more polite?

Apr 21 11 - 5:49pm

I agree with you, Chimp. Not to mention that comparing (some) of our past Presidents to chimpanzees is not particularly flattering to the chimps.

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