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"Playboy" coming to the iPad, Jobs be damned

Our best wishes are with Steve Jobs during his health-related hiatus, but damn: he's been a bit of a prude when it comes to adult content on the iPad/iPhone. But the Playboy empire won out when Hefner tweeted, "Playboy on iPad will be uncensored, Hugh." (He's speaking to another Twitter user named Hugh. No relation.)

The "uncensored" part is a bit ambiguous. Yes, most steamy magazine content will be featured on the iPad, but when it comes to their complete archives spanning back to 1953 — newly-released and digitized you'll be directed to the website. It's a bit of a technicality but hardly a pain (especially when you consider that the New Yorker released their full archive on three-hundred floppy discs). Despite the miffed feelings between Hefner and Jobs in the past, I'm sure Apple and Playboy are very happy about their new relationship.

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Jan 20 11 - 1:55pm

I thought that was Jerry Manthey for a second.

Jan 23 11 - 1:11am

i now that i would like to fuck the playboy modles

Mar 01 12 - 7:46pm

Meh. Playboy, schmayboy. If Hustler was on the iPad, now THAT'd be something!