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From the book 'The Disciples' by James Mollison, published by Chris Boot, £40/$75. Book contains 58 full-color images.

©2010 James Mollison, Chris Boot and

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haha. priceless :]

SB commented on 01/20

Who are the people third from the end? Headed by the tall black lady in pink? Overall though, awesome.

TFM commented on 01/20

I wanna hang with the ZZ Top dudes!

dora commented on 01/20

I will bet anything that the one ZZ Top guy not in black is the craziest one of all.

MG commented on 01/20

I've always been curious about a Manson show but these pics confirm my fears- I would definitely need a hug. And not by any of these people.

GD commented on 01/20

The Rod Stewart fans are awesome! It's so subtle! If I saw them on the street as individuals I would never think of Rod. But when you see them all together like that, it makes total sense!

JT commented on 01/20

GD: Not all Manson fans look like that. You'd be surprised how many are clean cut office types - and I've been to enough MM shows to know. That's like assuming everyone who sees Madonna is going to look like Madonna in the 80's and early 90's. Go for the music and the show, not what you think the fans are going to look like.

JJM commented on 01/21

I love the second guy from the right in the last set. "Okay, everyone, just look punk rock.Like, scowl, smirk, angry, or be aloof." "Can I be glum?" "No. "Ohhhh :-("

KW commented on 01/21

Those folks for the casualities definitely had some neglect from their peers as kids.

veti commented on 01/21

The Rod Stewart fans ROCK!!! I haven't laughed that hard in a while :-)

CJ commented on 01/21

What, no ravers? ;__;

BM commented on 01/21

TFM - That ain't no lady!

JEA commented on 01/21

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