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    100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

    Grunge vintage television

    Two years ago, while working at a summer camp, the subject of antennae came up. "What," I asked, "other than aliens, have antennae?" One kid blurted out, "An old-fashioned TV!" At the time, I still had rabbit ears and a VCR in my living room. [Insert sad horn sound here.] By the time these kids were born, anyone who could afford to send their children to a summer camp like that had cable, and while not on WIRED's list of 100 things your kids may never know about, antennae should be... right along "having to delete something to make room on your hard drive" and "blowing the dust out of a NES cartridge in the hopes it'll load this time." [WIRED]


    Commentarium (1 Comment)

    Jul 23 09 - 11:32am

    It'll be the same way I looked at my father when he explained carbon paper to me.