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    Levi Johnston Says Sarah Palin Is A Lazy Moneygrubber


    No one will be surprised by Levi Johnston's first-person essay on life with Sarah Palin. Not her critics, who will confirm their negative impressions of her abilities, attitude, and intelligence. Not her fans, who will find their charming (ex-)Governor wearing PJs and watching "wedding shows" all day.

    In “Me and Mrs. Palin,” Johnston... accuses Palin of being a bad mother, of being a bad wife, of not knowing how to shoot a gun, and even -- get this! -- of not even being a real hockey mom! (She only attended 15% of her son's games, says Johnston, who was his teammate.)

    The Palins frequently fought, says Johnston, and Todd, who sneaked beer in the garage because Sarah didn’t like him drinking, regularly threatened divorce.

    Palin, he says, paid more attention to Bristol and Levi's baby, Tripp, than she did to her own baby, Trig, who was born with Down syndrome and became a symbol of hope for parents of special-needs children during the campaign. Says Johnston: "I couldn't believe it when she would come over to us and sometimes say, playing around, 'No, I don't want the retarded baby -- I want the other one' and pick up Tripp. That was just her, even her kids were used to it.

    “Throughout the years I spent with them, when Sarah got home from her office -- almost never later than 5 and sometimes as early as noon -- she usually walked in the door, said hello, and then disappeared into her bedroom, where she would hang out. Sometimes, she’d take an hourlong bath. Other times she sat on the living-room couch in her two-piece pajama set from Walmart -- she had all the colors -- with her hair down, watching house shows and wedding shows on TV. She always wanted things and she always wanted other people to get them for her. If she wanted a movie, Bristol and I would go to the video store; if she wanted food, we’d get her something to eat, like a Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell. She’d try to bribe everyone in the house, or give us guilt trips." [LA Times, via Vanity Fair]

    Comments ( 2 )

    Whether or not you agree with her political viewpoints, shame on America for giving this tool publicity. He thinks 'cause he shot his salty babybatter inside the daughter of a (vice) presidential candidate establishes credibility as a good American citizen, panning for fanfare and media attention? Not only would I take with a grain of salt his candid claims of her saying deplorable things, such as "No, I don't want the retarded baby," the fact of the matter is that in him airing out other people's dirty laundry makes him look equally as appalling a person. Extreme, yes, but I'm not lying when I say I'd like to pay me a hooker tranny to tie this tool up and leave his ass sore, not before turning the hose on his mouth and face in the hopes that the only sounds coming out will be much screaming and sobbing. (What, did I go too far?)

    melysa martinez commented on Sep 03 09 at 10:07 pm

    You lost me at 'this tool.' Which one? Sarah or Levi?

    Charles commented on Sep 04 09 at 5:01 am

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