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    Is The Daily Mail Drawing Naughty Bits On Real Photos?

    The Daily Mail has a report up about a new kind of X-ray machine, to be used by airport security, that not only shows your loose change, but also your junk. Saucy! There's just one problem...the rag's evidence is not exactly "real." (Ed. Note: Scanner covered the TSA X-ray machine long before the Daily Mail got around to it-- here and here.)

    Sorry, people who get off on the idea of other people using x-ray vision to see under your clothes, we're not quite there yet. Despite what The Daily Mail would like you to think. This is the picture they used to advertise the story:


    Oh my god! You can totally see that dude's ass! And his junk, sorta, if you try! (And I know you're trying.) Angry Daily Mail readers will not stand for such an invasion of privacy!

    Oops! This is the picture from the article itself:


    Funny, that looks just like the other picture except for the naughty bits. It's as if someone had an outrageous point to prove but needed their evidence to be just a liiiiiiiiiittle bit stronger. Good thing this wasn't in a newspaper! (At first I wrote "reputable," but then I laughed. And then I cried.)

    UPDATE - reader tomishko noted that the junk-equipped picture is showing up in other places, and suggested that the Mail may have edited it to protect sensitive readers. I'm not sure - the dirty picture was the one used to attract people to the article, so more people would see that one than the PG version. But what do you think? Where does this twisted path of Photoshop and grainy genetalia shots lead?

    Commentarium (2 Comments)

    Oct 13 09 - 10:32am

    BBS News has a junk-n-all picture too ( If anything, the Daily Hate airbrushed the original to spare the blushes of its irate readers...

    Oct 13 09 - 8:43pm

    Please just do us all a favor and stop repeating anything from that shitty rag.