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Lunchtime Link Love: Clarie Danes Loves The See-Through


Oh, please God, let this e-mail exchange between two "gentlemen" college students turn out to be real.

We have no idea who Sofia Vergara, but she is apparently an overnight celebrity for all the wrong reasons. Well, one reason-- seen here.

Heidi Klum apparently stole the Victoria's Secret fashion show in New York last night. (The actual show doesn't air until the 1st of December, it seems.)

Just imagine: if John Kerry were in the second year of his second term, his daughter's drunk driving arrest would be big news. (Not to mention conservatives would try to say he's "just like Bush.")

James Van Der Beek has filed for divorce from his spouse of six years. Did you know he was married? Do you even remember who he is? (The same site indicated James Caan is divorcing his wife of 14 years.)

A 33-year-old, 800 pound man died in South Carolina after months of being stuck in the same recliner, unable to get up.

And finally, some good news: Claire Danes has decided to no longer wear a bra. Or something. (Seriously, kind of depressing today in the news world... this is the best we got... be happy with that NSFW link.)


Comments ( 3 )

Don't let this be your first view of Sofia Vergara. "Modern Family" is a seriously hilarious show.
Matthew commented on Nov 20 09 at 1:34 pm
Claire Danes looks like the third Olsen twin
Twolane commented on Nov 20 09 at 2:27 pm
Twolane, I had the exact, same thought. Olsen triplets, anyone?
ProfRobert commented on Nov 20 09 at 6:35 pm

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