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    The Brad Pitt Aging Timeline

    Fun fact about Brad Pitt: sometime in the early 80s, Brad Pitt made a deal with the devil. I am not kidding, check this shit out and tell me how someone goes from looking like this in 1981:


    To looking like this in 1982:

    [caption id="attachment_17521" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="The clear skin, great hair, and gorgeous cheekbones OF SATAN."]enhanced-buzz-20089-1261152234-5[/caption]

    Fun fact about Brad Pitt number two: sometime in the early 80s, a portrait was painted of Brad Pitt. This portrait now sits alone in a bank vault underneath the Pitt-Jolie compound, where it grows older and more grotesque each day. Gaze upon the proof and be amazed:

    [caption id="attachment_17528" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="The tan won't fool us, Pitt!"]The tan won't fool us, Pitt![/caption]

    Check out the whole timeline here - the man does not age.

    Via Buzzfeed.

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Dec 21 09 - 3:38pm

    Maybe we could use his genes to combat Alzheimer's.

    Dec 21 09 - 3:40pm

    He already creates a lot of high expectations for how men should ideally look.
    But its not a fair comparison, you can't expect an average man to compete with a Highlander.

    Dec 21 09 - 5:09pm

    Angelina, please stop sucking the life out of Brad. He didn't start to age until he hooked up with you. Kthanx

    Dec 22 09 - 3:13am

    Do you think eating his brain would give us the power of anti aging? maybe even immortality!