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    Anna Paquin Comes Out As Bisexual

    anna-paquin-as-sookie-stackhouse_421x577I mean, she's still getting married to her True Blood costar Stephen Moyer, but maybe this will give you female readers with lingering Fly Away Home fantasies some hope of being rebound one day. Paquin was one of many celebs - including Whoopi Goldberg, Elton John, and Cyndi Lauper - who took part in a PSA for the True Colors Fund. (You can see the video here at RadarOnline.) As part of the shoot, she looked straight into the camera and said "I'm bisexual, and I give a damn."

    A big week for celebrities coming out, no? A "source" from the shoot (which is somewhere between Wikipedia and your brother's friend's cousin in terms of trustworthiness) says that even her friends who were with her were surprised to hear her make the statement.

    Commentarium (9 Comments)

    Apr 01 10 - 10:03am

    i mean, aren't we all?

    Apr 01 10 - 10:17am

    If this means she'll start making out with True Blood's Jessica, so be it.

    Apr 01 10 - 10:30am

    I wouldnt be upset if she did.

    Apr 01 10 - 10:39am

    Yawn. Wake me when a male actor comes out as bi. Or gay. And no, the Jack guy from Will and Grace doesn't count, nor does Ricky Martin. We all knew already.

    Apr 01 10 - 2:16pm

    Do you think Mike Piazza will come out soon? Or isn't he famous any more?

    Apr 01 10 - 6:10pm

    Mike who?

    Aug 28 11 - 7:05pm

    she needs to marry me...

    Aug 30 11 - 9:51am

    I see, I suppsoe that would have to be the case.

    Aug 31 11 - 1:32pm

    You got to push it-this esesnital info that is!

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