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    Jim Carrey Will Not Tone Down His Twitter Feed

    carrytwitterYou think you can restrain him with your rules about good taste and appropriateness and maintaining a public image? You're a fool. Jim Carrey is a wild stallion, and he will do whatever he feels like, even if that means sharing his upsetting sexual fantasies about Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger. He's not going to apologize for being who he is.

    If you haven't heard, Carrey got into a bit of a scuff the other day when he tweeted that Tiger Wood's wife, Elin Nordegren, must have been somehow complicit if not approving of his many affairs. Some people thought this was an accusation made without substantial/any proof, but if Jim Carrey can claim vaccines cause autism based on a gut feeling or Dr. Phil or by looking at the organs of a sacrificial dove or whatever, he can sure as hell claim some woman he doesn't know must know about her husband's rampant two-timing. That's just logic.

    But people didn't understand this, and Carrey chose the only responsible way to respond to criticism: childishly pretending to give up his bad behavior in a passive-aggressive attempt to call his critics whiny babies. And then indulging in some kind of personal non-consensual sex fantasies:


    Twitter: destroying the public's good will toward Hollywood, one celebrity at a time.

    Via HuffingtonPost.

    Comments ( 2 )

    Apr 12 10 at 3:38 pm

    Whatever will get people to stop giving a shit...

    Apr 13 10 at 9:26 am

    What a jerk.

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