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    Have you read that Philip K. Dick novel where a team of scientists build a giant laser and concentrate its incredible firing power onto a single point the size of a bb, in order to create a mini-star with the capacity to save their planet from destruction?

    If you said yes then you're lying because there is no such book. This outrageous scenario is happening right now—this moment—as a matter of fact, at a laboratory in southern California that is home to the world's largest laser. Pew! Pew! Fire ze lazahs! No—not that kind of laser. This laser seeks to create nuclear fusion and, in turn, invent a new energy source that will save the global energy crisis and, we reckon, enslave all humanity.
    It's not that we fear the science—like some Flat Earth Society teabagger—we just fear it getting into the wrong hands (See: Death Star Destroys Alderaan). According to a project spokeswoman: "The worst possible mishap is, it doesn't work." Thanks. That's very reassuring—especially when considering the reaction in question is "the most fundamental energy source in nature." How is that not tempting to our military-industrial complex, or a team of evil Russians with a lab inside a volcano?


    Commentarium (23 Comments)

    Apr 29 10 - 10:26am

    haha pew! pew! this shit's kinda scary

    Aug 28 11 - 9:50pm

    It's a really big laser, in a really big building that is going nowhere and if it succeeds in making a little whiff of energy, we'll really all be pretty lucky.

    Apr 29 10 - 4:23pm

    IIRC the big laser is at Lawrence Livermore lab. That's not in Southern California, unless you like a six-hour commute each morning.

    Apr 29 10 - 4:59pm

    @ geebee: Yeah, sorry bout that. I live in New York so to me California is like this vast geographical oddity on the other side of the world.

    Aug 29 11 - 9:00am

    I see, I sppouse that would have to be the case.

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