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    This Week In Sex: Nude Models Take Over The Beach

    Daria Werbowy is the first highlighted model in a new magazine called Industrie, for a feature entitled "How to Look Good Naked." (Click link for the full nude photo.)

    Is this some kind of sick joke? "International human rights organization Equality Now is stunned by a new policy statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which essentially promotes female genital mutilation (FGM) and advocates for "federal and state laws [to] enable pediatricians to reach out to families by offering a 'ritual nick'..."

    The ex-boyfriend who burned down the famed topless coffee shop in Maine has been arrested.

    It seems the olds aren't as turned off by extramarital affairs as they used to be at the end of the 1990s, although one survey shows they aren't having pleasurable sex like they used to.

    6% of the population of Britain apparently suffers from sexual addiction, although only 20% of those sufferers are women.

    Vivid Entertainment claims to have a Kendra Wilkinson sex tape, starring some guy other than her then-future husband.

    And this week's wrapup of scantily-clad celebrities and models includes Olivia Munn, Jessica Lowndes and her see-through outfit, Emma Booth giving a handjob and getting felt up from this movie, Lucy Pinder topless, and Katie Green flashing her boobs at the beach. One helluva lineup for you pervs.

    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    May 07 10 - 4:18pm

    Best part of the week. For some reason, I really like watching handjobs.

    May 10 10 - 9:54am

    Do you run pictures of men at all any more?