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The Hype Line: Five things we can't look away from this week.

Welcome to the Hype Line, where we tell you the five things that are getting us excited for the week ahead.

May 10

Obama Picks Supreme Court Nominee: Well, that's the word at the moment, according to Mike Allen at Politico. He says we should expect Solicitor General Elena Kagen. Of course, other sources are saying that we shouldn't take that for gospel, and that the playing field is wide open. But we here at Scanner have it on good authority that Obama is going to shock everyone by nominating openly gay country singer Chely Wright.

May 11

Daria Complete DVD Collection: For a long time it seemed that we were destined to live in a world where you could only watch Daria on those knock-off DVD collections that feature millisecond clips of promos for Undressed at commercial breaks and didn't have a disc menu. But now our nightmare has come to an end: after years spent clearing the music rights for the interstitial moments or covering up those songs with original music, MTV is finally going to release the entire run of its sardonic, pessimistic vision of high-school life in the late '90s.

May 11

Sleigh Bells' Treats: Having no official discography to speak of — only a handful  of individual, self-released tracks — hasn't stopped this Brooklyn-based lo-fi duo from getting a respectable amount of internet buzz and a spot at Coachella. And while we were always pleased to see another song appear online like a little gift from the So-Loud-You'll-Feel-It-In-Your-Tooth Fairy, we're more excited to have access to multiple songs in one place. If you haven't heard of them yet, do yourself a favor and listen to the abrasive-guitar-meets-sweet-pop-vocals track "Crown on the Ground." Just be prepared to adjust your speakers.

May 12

Cannes Film Festival Begins: Oh boy, you might think, a film festival I'll never get to go to and am probably thousands of miles away from is starting! Joy!'d be right! But if Iron Man 2 kicked of the blockbuster movie season last week, then Cannes marks the moment when you start to get a sense of which European prestige films are going to demand your attention for the rest of the year (and beyond, depending on the vagaries of distributors). So while you only get to marvel at the sparkly gowns and shiny foreheads from afar, you'll also get to hear about this year's Thirst or Waltz With Bashir. (Hopefully.)

May 13

Rob Lowe and Adam Scott on Parks and Recreation: NBC is focusing more on the arrival of Lowe, maybe because the last time he graced the network's schedule, on The West Wing, NBC was still the big dog of the broadcasting networks. And while Lowe's third or ninth or twentieth comeback is good for him, we're much happier to see Adam Scott on a channel with a name that doesn't end in an erroneous "z". So, while we shed a silent tear when we found out another main cast member was being ripped away from the painfully funny Party Down, at least Scott can join one of the best (and, we would say, tragically underrated) comedies on TV right now.

Comments ( 4 )

totally sat down and watched the big marathon they had...awesome!

taylor commented on May 10 10 at 1:21 am

I am very glad to hear "Thirst" name-dropped. I think that was the craziest movie I ever saw.

KAL commented on May 10 10 at 2:42 am

wait what? Adam Scott isn't LEAVING Party Down, is he?

rt commented on May 10 10 at 9:01 am

@rt: He might be, but it all depends on whether the show gets picked up for a third season. Ryan Hansen also might leave, as he's working on a new show. So sad.

And woot for Daria!

JK commented on May 10 10 at 9:41 am

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