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This Amazing Video of Eyjafjallajökull Is Cheating

Look, I'm not saying this time-lapse video of Iceland's most grumpy volcano isn't awe-inspiring. It's obviously a very beautiful way of reminding us of the unending beauty of the natural world and nature's awesome power and blah blah Discovery Channel blah. But this video cheats:

Why? Because it's paired with a song by Icelandic singer Jonsi, who also happens to be the front man of Sigur Ros. It happens to be a bit more appropriate in this example, given the country of origin, but I propose that you could pair any video with a song by this artist and his associated acts and it becomes a sweeping emotional journey of towering complexity and musical brilliance. Look:

 Children of Men Trailer:

Planet Earth Trailer:

Grey's Anatomy Fan Video:

Oh, two hits and a miss! But it doesn't matter that I don't care about Grey's Anatomy, or fan videos, or fake doctors kissing in black and white (and I really don't). As soon as I hear the dulcet tones of that Icelandic piano and an otherworldly voice, I may as well be the biggest Grey's fan on Earth. Their songs are emotional rooffies. Beware.

(That being said, the volcano video is still really, super cool.)

Via Gizmodo.

Comments ( 5 )

Jonsi's ability to write songs that make everything look amazing kinda scares me. If they pair up one of his songs to the trailer for next season's Jersey Shore, I might watch it.

Runyon commented on May 18 10 at 2:07 pm

incredible photography. They did amazing things with motion controlled dollies. And yes, the music adds to it.

Dan commented on May 18 10 at 2:08 pm

This is how you write a blog post. Pop culture + real though + proof of argument = I am convinced and intrigued. Thank you for this.

Sticky The Rat commented on May 18 10 at 2:12 pm

sigur ros is my all time favorite. honestly their music, their videos, and when they are paired up with scenes it always gives me chills. they are just incredible musicians. not to mention i'm incredibly obsessed with iceland

sarah commented on May 18 10 at 11:10 pm

JBR again brings more than regurgitation to the table...

thinkywritey commented on May 19 10 at 10:28 am

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