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    Ann Curry Bombs Speech

    Ann Curry - the graceful Today show anchor - gave a commencement speech at Wheaton College. Apparently, she was witty and poignant and totally confused about at which college she was actually speaking

    Sarah Palin apparently did the same thing. With Ann Curry, we feel a little bad. With Palin, nothing but schadenfraude.

    Sorry, we can't help it: Are you folks sick of all those liberal elites in the lamestream media? [wink] Then read this mock-Palin NRA speech. Guns don't kill people, folks. People kill guns. 

    Adrien Brody and Jimmy Kimmel star in the big screen adaptation of Charlie Bit My Finger. Coming this summer. You have ten fingers. They're really, really going to hurt. 

    So, if your job was to sit in the middle of the ocean and regulate an oil rig, what would you do? Watch porn, smoke meth, and pay for sex? Apparently. Which is understandable, until the goddamn thing starts spewing oil all over the place.

    And finally, there is a new trend sweeping bro-nation: icing. If a fellow bro presents you with a Smirnoff Ice at any point, you must chug it. From this totally absurd and quite hilarious interview: "Icing forces you to live in a constant state of fear of being Iced, but it is rewarded when you see the face of your bro when you block his Ice." Bro on, bro-dogs, bro-on.



    Comment ( 1 )

    What an absurd day this was on the internet.

    Dan commented on May 26 10 at 12:36 am

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