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    Great News: You Can Now Have iPhone Sex

    Everyone is in a techie frenzy today about the iPhone 4, the next generation smart phone that Apple debuted today at the Worldwide Developers Conference. There are obviously lots of exciting new features (like this Netflix app, which I need immediately to make myself complete and fully sever ties from the physical world), but perhaps most promising is the new video chat feature called FaceTime, which uses a front-facing camera. Here's a video of Steve Jobs using it:

    You know what this means, readers: despite all of Apple's many attempts to thoroughly de-sex the iPhone and the iPad, you can now have the same shaky, somewhat unfulfilling sexual experience you could on your laptop. Score!

    Via Gizmodo.

    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Jun 07 10 - 6:27pm

    Laptop sex is highly overrated. It takes too much lube and the keys are scratchy anyway.

    Jun 07 10 - 6:37pm

    The Netflix app is definitely more appealing.

    Jun 08 10 - 1:26am

    Good luck on ATT's 2g plan and shitty backhaul. 1video call = 4drops+choppy video+huge overage.