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    Google Screen shot of Justin Bieber Syphilis

    4Chan Users + Twitter = A force more powerful than the truth. Case in point: earlier this week, those merry pranksters decided to pretend Justin Bieber had syphilis and get "Justin Bieber Syphilis" to trend on Twitter. It worked so well it's being reported as news.

    The Webby Awards came to New York last night and brought some pretty great acceptance speeches. The best part? They're limited to five words each. The funniest may have been The Onion's: "This completes our office mattress." [Webby Awards look like this.]

    You know how sometimes someone says, 'Here, taste this, it's disgusting?' Well, here, click this, it's horrible.

    Since we're being very internet-y today, this is the Tumblr of the day - where Photoshop meets beautiful women, and a love for travel meets a weird giantess fetish.

    Oh, and just so you're up on your memes, Bewildered John McCain is the new Sad Keanu.

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Jun 16 10 - 9:34am

    is that oil wave for real? something about it screams photoshop to me...

    Jun 16 10 - 9:41am

    But bewildered John McCain does not have hands and therefore cannot hold a sandwich. He also looks a bit more constipated than bewildered.

    Jun 16 10 - 9:57am

    Yeah...that oil wave looks waaaaay too pretty to be real.

    Jun 16 10 - 10:42am

    i think my roommate is in an oil wave band

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