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    boy girl sex ed

    Let's get right to it: you're wondering what the hell's going on with this headline. Dick profit? How could an Iowa high school be profiting off of dick? Would it surprise you in the least if you heard that Fox News is to blame/thank for alerting us to this story?

    Your favorite Murdoch news outlet wants you to know all about the outrage over a Planned Parenthood-led talk at a Shenandoah, Iowa that dealt with graphic, graphic sexy sex.

    The students... were given instruction on how to perform female exams and the instructor used a 3-D, anatomically correct male sex organ to explain how to use a condom.

    The horrors! Most horrible at all, and the only reason we're wasting your time with this story, is this paragraph:

    Superintendent Dick Profit told the World Herald he received an equal number of calls supporting and opposing the Planned Parenthood presentation.

    Words. Words cannot express.

    “It was horribly inappropriate,” Colleen Dostal told Fox News Radio. “To do that in a mixed-gender classroom, — I truly believe it was inappropriate.”

    Doesn't everyone have sex ed in mixed classrooms? Don't these people understand that this happens every day in every high school in America, outside of Mississippi and other wacko states?

    Via Fox.

    Commentarium (6 Comments)

    Jun 23 10 - 9:37am

    Gotta love that sign. Is that real?

    Jun 23 10 - 10:10am

    High school students actually put their real, anatomically-correct penises into real vaginas! In real life!

    Jun 23 10 - 11:19am

    Safe sex and cervical cancer prevention: the horror!

    Jun 23 10 - 11:54am
    Eddie Bryan

    Yeah, man, that sign is the rip of the week. Poor things can barely walk and talk and feed themselves and the suggestion is they are curios about sex. 2 little cherubs.

    Jun 23 10 - 12:09pm

    They actually separated men and women for a lot of our sex ed lessons in high school. That being said, life must be hard working around teenagers with the first name Dick. Why don't people go for Rick, Rich, or Richard?

    Jun 23 10 - 6:10pm
    Nick Danger, 3d eye

    Oh Shenandoah, I love your daughter. . .