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    Kings of Leon in the snow 

    On Friday, Kings of Leon played a headline set at St. Louis, Missouri's Verizon Wireless Amphitheater, but quit after only completing three numbers. The reason: pigeon poop.

    The shitshow from the "Fire" and  begins in the below video, which shows the lead singer getting pelted by one of the "hundreds" of pigeons perched in the rafters. At about 1:12, the drummer apparently gets hit in mouth. (Luckily, you can't see anything too disgusting. This video is just to prove that something was attacking them and that they couldn't take it, didn't have enough umbrellas lying around, or couldn't find the hose to clear the birds from their positions right above the mics.)

    The band explained their decision:

    "Jared was hit several times during the first two songs. On the third song, when he was hit in the cheek and some of it landed near his mouth, they couldn't deal any longer," the Nashville band's publicist, Any Mendelsohn, said in a statement. [Yahoo! Music]

    Another video shows the crowd, stunned at being told the concert as over after so few songs -- and for "security reasons."

    These videos have sparked a fierce debate: one side says the band should have stuck it out and just "manned up," while the others say no one in their position would have wanted to continue either. What do you say?


    Comments ( 7 )

    Jul 26 10 at 4:37 pm

    Maybe an intermission and some time to clear the fowl away? I wouldn't continue singing if I knew that at any moment I opened my mouth, pigeon poop could fly in. Saying.

    Jul 26 10 at 4:41 pm

    Thank you for not going for the easy shitstorm pun. And they definitely should have stopped the show--that has to be a health code violation.

    Jul 26 10 at 5:00 pm

    I agree with the pigeons.

    Jul 26 10 at 8:25 pm
    @ ms


    Jul 26 10 at 8:54 pm
    hog smart

    I also agree with the pigeons. But without a doubt for the entire band to stop means that Kings of Leon is soft, which is sad as they are the area rock band of the moment. You take a break, wash your mouth out, and go back on. Unforgivable.

    Jul 26 10 at 11:13 pm

    Uh...let's see all those who think they should've kept going to try to do their own job while getting constantly bombed by pigeon shit. I can understand if steps had been taken to rid the area of pigeons that they would continue afterwards, but there's no mention this was done. I'd be getting off that stage too if it was me, have to say.

    Jul 27 10 at 12:46 pm

    I would love it if the Kings all got drunk and fought with each other and hospitalized each other so they couldn't play for awhile.

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