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    Study shows sexually active teens do well in school

    Sexually active teens

    To our teen readers: give this to your parents and maybe they'll stop freaking out a bit about your sex life.

    A new study has come out showing that teens in committed (sexual) relationships do just as well in school as the losers like us who never got any until college.

    However, before you all go out and bonk every hottie in town (don't forget condoms), know this: 

    The same isn't true for teens who "hook up." Researchers found that those who have casual flings get lower grades and have more school-related problems compared with those who abstain.

    It's not so much whether a teen has sex that determines academic success, the researchers say, but the type of sexual relationship they're engaged in. Teens in serious relationships may find social and emotional support in their sex partners, reducing their anxiety and stress levels in life and in school. [KTLA]

    No duh... which is something we used to say when we were teenagers. Nevermind.


    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Aug 16 10 - 11:35am

    Or teenagers who are at the maturity level to engage in sexual and meaningful relationships also tend to do better in school.

    Aug 16 10 - 3:40pm

    Umm...correlation does not equal causation. What a stupid study.

    Aug 16 10 - 3:46pm
    Knew It

    @Balzac: Precisely. Back 35 years ago when I (like most of my circle of friends) was in a monogamous love relationship, our parents were convinced that civilization was on the verge of collapse. At about graduate school they finally stopped hyperventilating. But they sure as hell did impart a good deal of guilt, which took something away from otherwise sweet and fondly remembered young love. Some of us do live and learn. That circle of friends did not do the same to its teenagers, and mostly they've flourished.

    Aug 17 10 - 12:26am

    The dude in the hat has to be Community College-bound.

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