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    SNL cast member Jenny Slate made a big splash last year for letting the F-word slip during the show (in a scene which, frankly, was dangerous to begin with because it used the word "freaking" a million times). But there is so much more to Jenny Slate. For instance, she's lent her voice to this short video that really showcases a different side of her: namely, the one made of sugar and rainbows and unicorns with perfect manicures.

    The video is called Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, and is directed by Dean Fleischer-Camp. Slate provides the voice of the main character, who is literally a shell with shoes. It's so cute I feel like woodland creatures volunteered to do the sound production:

    Now, for comparison, this is Jenny Slate dropping the F-bomb on live television:

    I'm not sure which Slate I like more. Thankfully, I don't have to choose.

    Via Videogum.

    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    Aug 17 10 - 1:30pm

    wow. this is sad how cute I find this...

    Aug 17 10 - 1:33pm

    That's so amazing I watched it twice.

    Aug 17 10 - 2:33pm

    Is that Marcel the Shell or the dwarf lady from Poltergeist?

    Aug 17 10 - 2:57pm

    I am freaked out by this more than anything else.

    Mar 03 12 - 4:37am

    you can download the MARCEL THE SHELL video here at

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