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    Have you ever wanted to see Rachel Maddow and Ira Glass sing onstage? The thought might not have occurred to you before, but if you're anything like me, you now realize that your life will never be complete unless you can see this momentous event. But don't worry, you're in luck! On August 29th, Maddow and Glass will be appearing at Town Hall for Friends with a Benefit, an evening of performances that will benefit the American Bird Conservatory's efforts to help our avian friends affected by the Gulf oil spill.

    Also on the bill: comedians Michelle Collins, Mike Birbiglia, Rob Lathan, and Jamie Kilstein; and musicians Erin McKeown, Lucy Wainwright Roche, and Barkuna. (30 Rock's Scott Adsit and Christina Gausas will be hosting.) I like most of those people! (The other ones I simply don't know yet, but I'm sure they're lovely. I mean, that's basically what the name of the event is assuring me.)

    In case you're not super-excited by this yet, for some reason, here's a short piece of an interview Glass just did with New York's Daily Intel, which should help you see reason:

    How much is too much to spend on a haircut?
    I don't know, but my barber Severin told me the other day that he thinks all the barbers in New York should have a competition for the best barber in the city because he'd like to know his ranking. I may be making this up, but I think he told me he's tried to trash-talk other barbers, hoping that might get the ball rolling. The only reason I think I'm making that up is because now that I type these words I can't imagine that he could've said that without me asking what barber trash-talk would consist of, and I know if he had told me, I'd remember it for the rest of my life.

    Times, Post, or Daily News?
    Times. Please. I'm a cliché. Did I mention I work in public broadcasting?

    Why wouldn't you want to hang out with him for an evening? Tickets are still available here, but I imagine they'll be going pretty fast.

    Via Daily Intel.

    Commentarium (1 Comment)

    Aug 20 10 - 3:04pm

    I love me some Rachel Maddow.

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