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    The Iranian newspaper Kayham ran the headline "French prostitutes join the human rights protest" in response to France's first lady Carla Bruni's opposition to Iran's decision to stone an allegedly adulterous woman to death. In an open letter to the sentenced woman, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, Bruni wrote:

    Why shed your blood and deprive your children of their mother? ...Because you have lived, because you have loved, because you're a woman, and because you're an Iranian? Everything within me refuses to accept it.

    The Iranian newspaper responded:

    Although Bruni, the morally corrupt singer and actress of Italian (origin), was able to break the Sarkozy family and marry the French president, lately new reports have emerged about her affair with a singer...

    Apropos. Bruni's humanitarian effort did have some effect as the stoning sentence has been overturned - though Ashtiani may still face execution by hanging. According to the AP, Ashtiani's first lawyer fled the country after recieving threats from the government. The home of Ashtiani's second lawyer was broken into by state authorities, who then took his computer. "Authorities say I'm banned from meeting my client. And they have told Ashtiani's two children that their mother didn't want to see them," he said. Hopefully, all the French prostitutes are thinking of a Plan B right now.

    Via AP and BBC

    Commentarium (11 Comments)

    Aug 31 10 - 11:16am

    And there are those among us who would champion Muslim rights. Good luck with that.

    Aug 31 10 - 11:37am

    @Twolane: Really, the problem is religion as a whole. We have our own talibans in the West - they just haven't seized our government (yet). The real oddity is that there are some among us who would champion christian rights.

    Aug 31 10 - 11:39am

    I'm aware that we have enough problems with christianity, let alone granting Muslims their religious rights in our society.

    Aug 31 10 - 12:04pm

    The problem with religious rights is that we grant people the right to practice however they wish, but religion is about the "right way to live," so religion (often) does not respect the rights of others to make different choices. I'm totally cool with any religion that does not have converting or condemning others as a mandate.

    Aug 31 10 - 12:58pm

    Carla Bruni is a gold digger.

    Aug 31 10 - 1:01pm

    Ironically, Carla Bruni has been stoned many times.

    Aug 31 10 - 1:04pm

    She just lookin' for a baller with pockets on swole.

    Aug 31 10 - 2:22pm

    @twolane: Do you really not understand the difference between supporting someone's right to worship as one sees fit or to have the same civil rights as people who believe differently, and to imposing one's religious views on others through the force of the state? I mean, really, do you not get that difference at all? There is no inconsistency with condemning the barbarism of the Iranian mullahs and supporting the rights of American Muslims to worship on their own property.

    Aug 31 10 - 4:35pm

    Agreed with profrobert. Twolane, you sound like the people on Fox News who say we don't have to be accepting towards Muslims because Iran is a theocracy and doesn't accept Christians. Many liberals would disagree because tolerance is one of the key aspects of a liberal democracy, while many conservatives would disagree because American is so much fucking better than Iran. VoR, I disagree with you as well. The problem isn't religion--it's religious extremism and violence in the name of religion. To say that religion is the problem undermines the ~99% of religious people who are not violent. The problem isn't religion; the problem is people.

    Aug 31 10 - 8:54pm

    @twolane - muslims have already been granted the rights to practice their religion in "our" society - which, if they hold a US passport, is also very much "their" society. and being a part of that society, if they break laws, they are subject to the same sanctions as everyone else. all of which has nothing to do with another country enforcing manifestly inhumane laws. whether their reasons for doing so are religious, philosophical or whatever is completely immaterial.

    Sep 01 10 - 9:18am

    Sharia law for all!