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    Kristian Anderson video tribute New Zealand

    35-year-old Sydney, Australian man Kristian Anderson has a lovely wife of seven years, two sweet little boys, and intestinal cancer. He is undergoing chemotherapy and, while he may not have been the world's most helpful husband lately because of it, he had not forgotten how amazing his wife Rachel (from New Zealand) has been through his ordeal.

    So, for her birthday, he got together the Prime Minister of Kiwis (his name, despite what you may have seen on Flight of the Conchords, is not Brian) and Hugh Jackman for a touching birthday tribute.

    Jackman has the very briefest of cameos (sheesh), but anything that gets you to check out this beautiful video is worth it:

    Rachel's Birthday Video from Kristian Anderson on Vimeo.

    Commentarium (6 Comments)

    Sep 03 10 - 8:22am

    Wow! If that doesn't choke you up, I don't know what will. Wow!

    Sep 03 10 - 10:56am

    That is beautiful.

    Sep 03 10 - 11:09am


    Sep 03 10 - 3:32pm


    Sep 03 10 - 4:48pm

    There needs to be a warning against watching that drunk and alone Woo... just bawled my eyes out over that! Beautiful.

    Sep 06 10 - 7:34am

    I second that JT... and will add - alone and sleep-deprived on the overnight shift, *sob

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